




Andrius Kulikauskas

  • m a t h 4 w i s d o m - g m a i l
  • +370 607 27 665
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Introduction E9F5FC

Questions FFFFC0


Truth, Let Me Think Investigation

How do people's relationships with truth relate to their deepest values?

How does the landscape of truth ground a map of deepest values?

What can be concluded from those maps?


Math 4 Wisdom

PersonRelationship with truthDeepest value
Andrius KulikauskasTruth as absolute viewLiving by truth
Antonio Jesús García Palomo To love and be loved by other people
Aslam KakarTruth as my examined openness to the truth of others.Freedom, the opportunity to live one's life in the way they desire without infringing on other people's opportunity.
Bill PahlTruth as perspective in time and spaceTo be as alive as I can be
Christer NylanderTruth as one's tool of listening by which they develop wisdom, an inner infrastructure that binds together tools of higher consciousness (critical thinking, empathy, holistic vision)Wisdom, which incudes acceptance, optimism, responsibility and joy.
Daniel FriedmanTruth as contextual judgment, a determination about a referent within a context.Interaction.
Dave GrayTruth as a search for new theories that can be more useful than the theories I hold today.Creativity. Creating possibilities. Bringing new things into the world.
Edmundas KulikauskasTruth as a judge that considers all circumstancesJustice, that conscience be at peace. (Teisingumas, kad sąžinė būtų rami.)
Francis HowardTruth as merely a platitude until it has a factual application and proven consistencyRespect. Whatever we respect we attract and vice versa. I have always respected knowledge and quest to find more about the Universe and how I could contribute to the existing discoveries in the world.
Franz NahradaTruth as a work of thought, linking perceptions to concepts, yielding a transmittable image.Optimal interconnection.
Haris ShakerisTruth as prevailing agreementPlatonic love / Friendship
Islam HakimTruth as an asymptotic objective I want to go towards.Willingly submitted to the Source of Wisdom.
Jere NorthropTruth as aesthetic principle. Truth as a guiding principle of compassionate cooperation within the constraints of evidence.Goldilocks Maximum Entropy Principle. Intuitive aesthetic judgement of what is about right to do the best you can and do no harm.
Jinan KBTruth as direct existence 
John HarlandTruth as a difficult pathThe experience of life
Jon BrettTruth as a metaphor for our experience within a specific contextInterdependence. This includes adventure where you must depend on Nature, but also respect it and be dependably sustainable.
Kirby UrnerTruth as a defensive strategyClarity. Where the dust is settled and you can see clearly. An aesthetic value.
Marcus PetzTruth as experiencing diverselyMeaningful inclusion
Michael SchreiberTruth as an inner right to have a mental reservationWe can agree to disagree
Ryan BuchananTruth as a subjectively beautiful theory that gives meaning to the established facts of the world.Specificity
Samuel HutchensTruth as a reality that may be greater than what we can measure or want to know.Music. Life is a giant symphony. Music is a framework for integration. Music is open to interpretation.
Thomas GajdosikTruth as a person so compelling that I willingly followAwareness that I am loved by God, where this love is the gift and key to all of reality. Everything I do and receive, I receive through this love.
Yoshimi BrettTruth as the alignment of voices that serve and support nature and each otherTrust, the inclusion of all, the integration of all of life, internally and externally
Hans-Florian HoyerTruth as the holism of all perspectives, the source of freedomOur separation is an illusion

Let Me Think

PersonRelationship with truthDeepest value
Aslam KakarTruth as my examined openness to the truth of others.Freedom, the opportunity to live one's life in the way they desire without infringing on other people's opportunity.
Samuel HutchensTruth as a reality that may be greater than what we can measure or want to know.Music. Life is a giant symphony. Music is a framework for integration. Music is open to interpretation.
JakeemTruth as a struggle with the Absolute to reconcile different determinations.Justice. (Tentatively: Justice as an option. The right but not the obligation to do something.)
Anya SlavinaTruth as a growing openness to possibilities.Absorb negativity and radiate positivity.
Joshua MeyersTruth as clarity of vision for wise action.Serving God.
Brent ShambaughTruth as harmony with GodOptimal behavior
Jimmy MatthewsTruth as the reality of individual facts in context.Ultraconsiderateness. A moral obligation to draw on all relevant considerations.
Rachel CliftonTruth as the outcome of purification, when all that is not love is burned away and laid to rest.Integrity. Being the change I want to see in the world.
JermaneTruth as a context in the space that exists between people's perspectives.Context, including my personal context and what fascinates me.
Jay CousinsTruth as the elephant, something I can never know but I can understand partially through lenses which, depending on the context, can be helpful or harmful.Kindness. Love in action, love in practice.

Friends of Wisdom

Caution! Please note that the following data generally represents distillations by Andrius of answers given through the Friends of Wisdom discussion group. Generally, the persons listed have not confirmed or denied the accuracy of these distillations. In general, it is problematic to receive confirmation in an unstructured email group discussion. Please go to the reference to access the original data!

PersonRelationship with truthDeepest valueReference
Lucy [unconfirmed] WeirTruth as uncovering, letting go of beliefs that obscure, so that we see what we are and subsequently, how we are to live, notably with regard to other beings.Love as Compassion, an attitude that encompasses kindness, curiosity, joyfulness in another's success, and a desire to mitigate another's suffering, and also the capacity to retain equanimity, without judgment and to learn from, actions that create suffering, and harm, which emerges when we realise how enmeshed and how unavoidable our and all other reactions are to the situations and conditions we find ourselves in.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Ehssan [unconfirmed] SakhaeeTruth as the nonconceptual, formless absolute, beyond the mind, much like infinity.Presence. Deep presence and stillness.Tuning into the now without labelling and conceptualising the now.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Eri [unconfirmed] Mountbatten-O’MalleyTruth as the satisfaction, through dialogue and community, of normative standards, relevant for a context.Develop the rational and moral powers of human beings as individuals, especially by nurturing beneficient public spaces for flourishing.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Leland R BeaumontTruth as the degree to which our beliefs (which we hold to be true) correspond to reality.Wisdom, as in seeking real good.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Percy [unconfirmed] MarkTruth is an ether that permeates everything which is truthful but which can't be grasped or proclaimed.Virtue.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Larry [unconfirmed] KuenemanTruth as the treasure of one's integrity.Being a humanitarian.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Bruce LloydTruth as the basis for trust and better decision-making.Attempting to be wise, putting wisdom into practice, where wisdom is a vehicle that allows us to integrate compassion, empathy, oneness with nature, and so on.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Joan [unconfirmed] FogelTruth as my relative, with whom my relationship is a work-in-progress.Kindness. Recognizing each person as kin.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.29
Kate [unconfirmed] MaiTruth as me, the invariance of "I am", awareness without personality or characteristicsFreedom (from identification with self-image) and love (undifferentiated oneness with all)Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.29
Christer NylanderTruth as one's tool of listening by which they develop wisdom, an inner infrastructure that binds together tools of higher consciousness (critical thinking, empathy, holistic vision)Wisdom, which incudes acceptance, optimism, responsibility and joy.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Andrius KulikauskasTruth as absolute viewLiving by truthFriends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Janos AbelTruth as a solution that produces general good in the practical arena of social life.Children, let's love one anotherFriends of Wisdom 2023.06.29
Roger [unconfirmed] AndertonTruth as an unknown.Life is suffering, waiting to die.Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Steve [unconfirmed] BallardTruth as power to dictate.[Is it: Convivial recreation of human life?]Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27
Glenn [unconfirmed] SoltesTruth as a relationship, harmonious and balanced, between two or more peers (comparable beings), that reasonably concords with their reality. Friends of Wisdom 2023.06.27

Investigatory communities



Jeff BudererTruth as a challenge ... for shared understanding  

More people and their thoughts

  • James Sirois. There is an infinitely transcendental truth which is absolute, and all relationships to it are the relative truths that emerge from it (subjective Individuals).
  • Haris Shekeris. I have been a relativist about truth and I am trying to reconcile this with assigning a bit of a special status to number 0,1,2 and 3 and to shapes such as the line, the circle and the triangle. 'Truth cannot be known, it can be felt' resonates with me and circulates in my brain.
  • Jon Brett. What is your relationship with truth? (How do you deal with truth in your life? What does truth mean to you personally?) Truth is a metaphor for our experience within a specific context. Where experience within a specific context might be equivalent to perspective. Physics suggests that as soon as you add an observer to a situation, the situation changes. My take on absolute truth is that we can search for the boundaries of experience where that "truth" always seems to apply - in most people's experience. Because everyone is different, we need to allow for variation in experience, and also that the context may not have defined the boundary of truth precisely enough. For example, we used to think the world was flat, and this "absolute truth" was useful when most people never travelled more than 100 miles. I am sure that a very small minority disagreed with this "absolute truth" but remained true for most people. What is your deepest value in life which includes all of your other values? Interdependence. Adventure is a value that motivates me, but at a more abstract level, the idea of interdependence perhaps includes adventure where you must depend on Nature, but also respect it and be dependably sustainable. Interdependence values diversity and that introduces a challenging paradox. I must also value other people's valuing dependence or independence and conformity (just another example of diversity). The challenge then, is how to be interdependent with those individuals also. For me, that is an adventure!
  • UTOKing with Nicholas Maxwell Unified Theory of Knowledge
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