




Andrius Kulikauskas

  • m a t h 4 w i s d o m - g m a i l
  • +370 607 27 665
  • My work is in the Public Domain for all to share freely.


  • 读物 书 影片 维基百科

Introduction E9F5FC

Questions FFFFC0


See: Math notebook, Representation theory

Challenge: Calculating and interpreting the irreducible representations of the symmetric groups



Symmetric group, general linear group



{$S_{n}$} is the symmetric group on n letters. The irreducible representations of {$S_{n}$} are indexed by the conjugacy classes, which is to say, the partitions λ. Given a partition λ of the numbers 1,...,n, which is to say, a Young diagram filled with numbers, define {$R_{ \lambda }$} to be the permutations {$e_{\sigma}$} which preserve the numbers in each row, and {$C_{ \lambda }$} to be the permutations {$e_{\tau}$} which preserve the numbers in each column. Define:

{$$ s_{\lambda} = {\sum_{\sigma \in R_{ \lambda }}} e_{\sigma} \sum_{ \tau \in C_{ \lambda }} sgn(\tau) e_{\tau} $$}

Then the subspaces {$\mathbb{C}S_{n}\cdot s_{\lambda}$} are the irreducible representations indexed by λ.

For example, for the partition 21 filled [12][3] we have that

{$$s_{\lambda} = e_\imath + e_{13} - e_{12} + e_{132} $$}

Defining {$ A = e_\imath - e_{13}, B = e_{132} - e_{12}, C = e_{123} - e_{23} $} we have

{$ s_{\lambda} = A-B $}

{$ \imath \cdot s_{\lambda} = A-B $}

{$ e_{12} \cdot s_{\lambda} = A-B $}

{$ e_{13} \cdot s_{\lambda} = C-A $}

{$ e_{23} \cdot s_{\lambda} = B-C $}

{$ e_{123} \cdot s_{\lambda} = C-A $}

{$ e_{132} \cdot s_{\lambda} = B-C $}

We have a three-cycle that can be written with 2x2 matrices acting on basis vectors A-B and B-C. Study the three-cycle!


There is a natural numbering of the cells in a partition based on their intepretation as paths in Pascal's triangle. In this numbering we assign numbers part by part. Within the part there may be a secondary numbering. The assigning of numbers part by part can go in either direction and is dual in that sense.

It's important here to conceive how sign comes to play in going to different parts.

In working with standard tableaux we use a very different numbering based on the innermost corner and building out in both directions. This numbering can be thought of as an internal point of view, in conditions, in context, not from the top of Pascal's triangle. I should investigate how these relative and absolute perspectives relate.

  • Does it make sense to analyze the combinatorics of the representations in terms of their complement spaces? For example, what happens when we multiply {$s_{\lambda}$} by an entire conjugacy class?

{$ (e_12 + e_13 + e_23) \cdot s_{\lambda}=0 $}

{$ (e_123 + e_132) \cdot s_{\lambda} is not 0 $}

{$ (e_\imath + e_123 + e_132) \cdot s_{\lambda} = 0 $}

Topics to Learn

From Amritanshu Prasad. Representation Theory: A Combinatorial Viewpoint

Permutation Representations

  • Group Actions and Permutation Representations
  • Permutations
  • Intertwining Permutation Representations
  • Subset Representations
  • Intertwining Partition Representations

The RSK Correspondence

  • Semistandard Young Tableaux
  • The RSK Correspondence
  • Classification of Simple Representations of Sn

Character Twists

  • Inversions and the Sign Character
  • Twisting by a Multiplicative Character
  • Conjugate of a Partition
  • Twisting by the Sign Character
  • The Dual RSK Correspondence
  • Representations of Alternating Groups

Symmetric Functions

  • The Ring of Symmetric Functions
  • Other Bases for Homogeneous Symmetric Functions
  • Specializations to m Variables
  • Schur Functions and the Frobenius Character Formula
  • Frobenius' Characteristic Function
  • Branching Rules
  • Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients
  • The Hook-Length Formula
  • The Involution s-lambda -> S-
  • The Jacobi-Trudi Identities
  • The Recursive Murnaghan-Nakayama Formula
  • Character Values of Alternating Groups
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