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Research Program for Math 4 Wisdom The purpose of Math 4 Wisdom is to show where Wondrous Wisdom arises in advanced mathematics. A priority is to show how the divisions of everything are expressed by Bott periodicity, Clifford algebras, chain complexes, category theory and other phenomena. Here are some pages with my recent research.
See: Research priorities for more links Notes from January, 2022 2022.01.19 I will present my research program as straightforwardly as I can. I am working on that below. I am writing text for a series of seven or more videos. I intend to publish my first video by the end of February, 2022. When I have completed the text for that video, I will seek Patreon supporters for my investigations and for my presentations of what I am learning through this website and videos such as a Math 4 Wisdom Show. In my draft below I am expanding on my 2017 Research Program for a Big Picture of Mathematics. Mathematically, the key goal is to master Outline
Outline Research to Complete Before making videos about various parts of my research program, I would like to complete some or all of the relevant research. Introduction
Math Discovery
Lie theory
Bott periodicity
Ask Rimvydas
Extra ideas Overview and Compare Similar Efforts Most working mathematicians have not spent a few hundred hours in their life searching for a key by which to understand all of mathematics. Indeed, it has been said that Henri Poincare (1854-1912) was the last person to excel at all of the mathematics of his time. 1) One step is to overview the history of mathematics to glean insights from the research interests of the most profound mathematicans, such as Euclid, Descartes, Leibnitz, Pascal, Hilbert, von Neumann and more recently, Weyl, Atiyah, Conway, Grothendieck, Langlands, Lurie to imagine their perspectives on the big picture. When I was a graduate student (1986-1993), an interest in the big picture was quite taboo, and moreover, quite impractical, given that the way to learn math was to take classes, read textbooks, do exercises, and read journal articles. However, since then, much has changed which has made it possible to learn advanced mathematics much more personally, intuitively, selectively and comprehensively. I can read a vast mathematical encyclopedia (Wikipedia), watch video lectures (You Tube) by expert thinkers on the most advanced subjects, and ask questions and get answers at Math Stack Exchange or Math Overflow. Of special importance are math bloggers who are sharing their personal intuitions regarding math. It is most strange that intuition is acknowledged as the key to learning and furthering math, and yet articulating, documenting and studying that intuition is considered out of bounds, as can be seen from the little space devoted to it in any article or textbook. The reason, I suppose, is that we would have to reveal our general ignorance. It is particularly refreshing and encouraging to read blog posts by John Baez, Urs Schreiber, Terrence Tao, Qiaucho Yuan and others who do seem to grapple with the big picture. 2) A further step is to note the areas and structures which such bold thinkers believe to be fruitful. Succinctly, as I learn from thinkers such as Olivia Caramello, Urls Schreiber, John Baez, Roger Penrose, Lou Kauffman, Vladimir Voevodsky, Saunders MacLane, William Lawvere, John Isbell, Harvey Friedmann, Joseph Goguen, Robert May, Kirby Urner, Maria Droujkova it seems that they focus on particular areas, such as category theory, topoi, algebraic geometry, homology, homotopy, string theory, network theory but also that they are intrigued by particular structures which seem exceptionally rich, such as the octonions... Of course, I do not intend to master these subjects in the usual way. Instead, I hope to be clever enough to find a new way of looking at math which shares and yields mathematical intuition much more readily. |