Priorities, Research Non Priorities
Andrius Kulikauskas: Here are my research priorities.
Research priorities
Wondrous Wisdom
- Understand the various ways that the three minds manifest themselves and try to relate that to the eight divisions of everything. Write an exposition for the Theory Translator.
- Understand how the three minds ground the four reservations.
- Understand the unfolding of the big picture, in Lithuanian.
- Understand the relationship between God's four investigations (as 24-fold sciences) and our investigations (as 8-fold reservations).
Ecological thinking
- Overview the greatest ecological thinkers and include in the Theory Translator the conceptual structures they think in terms of.
- Collect examples how ecological systems solve problems.
Active Inference
- Learn the mathematics of Active Inference.
- Understand free energy and the various forms of energy.
- Understand entropy.
- Understand information theory.
- Understand Bayesian statistics.
Bott Periodicity
- Understand how to calculate {$J_1, J_2, ..., J_8$}.
- Study {$F_1$} and the combinatorial intepretations of Gaussian binomial coefficients.
- Understand the various Grassmanians as describing subspaces of vector spaces.
- Understand how to calculate the {$(\phi, \chi)$}-representations of {$CT$}-groups and the graded representations of Clifford algebras.