




Andrius Kulikauskas

  • m a t h 4 w i s d o m - g m a i l
  • +370 607 27 665
  • My work is in the Public Domain for all to share freely.


  • 读物 书 影片 维基百科

Introduction E9F5FC

Questions FFFFC0


Priorities, Research Non Priorities

Andrius Kulikauskas: Here are my research priorities.

Research priorities

Wondrous Wisdom

  • Understand the unfolding of the big picture, in Lithuanian.
    • Understand the relationship between God's four investigations (as 24-fold sciences) and our investigations (as 8-fold reservations).

Ecological thinking

  • Overview and systematize what is meant by ecological thinking?
  • How do we get ourselves and others to think ecologically?

Impactful critical dialogue

  • How do we impact ourselves and others meaningfully with critical dialogue?

Theory Translator

  • Develop a workflow to collect, systematize and present
    • conceptual frameworks
    • ways of figuring things out, especially in math
    • personal relationships with truth, deepest values, investigatory questions, within a landscape of truth
  • Understand how these all contribute to a Theory Translator.
  • Focus on collecting examples relevant for ecological thinking and for impactful critical dialogue.
  • Map out the ways that Active Inference figures things out.

Bott Periodicity

  • Investigate how {$U(n)$} sits within {$O(2n)$} and how {$J_1$} relates them.
  • Investigate how {$Sp(n)$} sits within {$U(2n)$} and how {$J_2$} relates them.
  • Study symmetric spaces.
  • Relate super division algebras with CPT symmetry.
  • Study Stone, Chiu, Roy to understand the embeddings of Lie groups.
  • Study Dale Husemoller, Fibre Bundles, to calculate the homotopy groups from the Clifford modules.
  • Study the relationship between CPT symmetry and random matrices.
  • Understand the loop space - suspension adjunction.
  • Understand Lie groups geometrically.
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