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See: Fivesome, Orthogonal polynomials, Quantum physics, Hermite polynomials, Probability distribution Investigation: Derive and interpret, combinatorially and physically, the fivefold classification of orthogonal Sheffer polynomials. Orthogonal Sheffer polynomials
Three conditions: monic, orthogonal (quadratic), Sheffer (exponential) Think of combinatorial quantum physics operator (raising and lowering operator) as a derived functor. 5 notions of independency
What are the transition matrices between orthogonal polynomials?
Frédéric Chapoton. Ramanujan-Bernoulli numbers as moments of Racah polynomials For almost two years I have been studying quantum physics with my old friend John Harland who is passionate about it. We both took courses in quantum mechanics in college and later met at the University of California at San Diego where he got his PhD in math doing functional analysis and I got mine doing algebraic combinatorics. Recently, I thought that I should learn quantum physics better as a source of inuition about Lie theory, which I think is central to the way that mathematics unfolds, especially through affine, projective, conformal and symplectic geometries. I was glad to join John in studying "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" by David Griffiths, which is an excellent textbook for learning to calculate as physicists do. Relearning this, as a combinatorialist, I noticed the orthogonal polynomials in solutions of the Schroedinger equation and I became curious to learn what structures they encode.
Lin Jiu. Research. relates Bernoulli and Euler polynomials, and also Euler and Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials. What are zonal polynomials? Moments of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials Rota, Kahaner, Odlyzko. Finite Operator Calculus. About combinatorics of Sheffer polynomials. Bernouli polynomials - umbral calculusMath Overflow: What's Up With Wick's Theorem? Suggested by Tom Copeland
http://users.dimi.uniud.it/~giacomo.dellariccia/Table%20of%20contents/He2006.pdf The Generalized Stirling Numbers, Sheffer-type Polynomials and Expansion Theorems. Tian-Xiao ![]() Canonical link function - distinguishes the essence of the NEF-QVFs.
Morris and Lock (2014), "Starting with a solitary member distribution of an NEF, all possible distributions within that NEF can be generated via five operations: using linear functions (translations and re-scalings), convolution and division (division being the inverse of convolution), and exponential generation..." (Statistics Stack Exchange) NEF with QVF What is the relation between the Pearson distribution and the natural exponential families with quadratic variance functions?
Meixner classified all the orthogonal Sheffer sequences: there are only Hermite, Laguerre, Charlier, Meixner, and Meixner–Pollaczek. In some sense Krawtchouk should be on this list too, but they are a finite sequence. These six families correspond to the NEF-QVFs and are martingale polynomials for certain Lévy processes.
These five examples – Poisson, binomial, negative binomial, normal, and gamma – are a special subset of NEF, called NEF with quadratic variance function (NEF-QVF) because the variance can be written as a quadratic function of the mean. Given a positive semidefinite inner product on the vector space of all polynomials, we have a notion of orthogonality. Then the orthogonal polynomials can be obtained from the monomials {$1,x,x^2,x^3\dots$} by the Gram-Schmidt process. Tom Copeland: Btw, the refinement of the Stirling polynomials of the second kind is OEIS A036040, which is the coproduct of the Faa di Bruno Hopf algebra (see the Figueroa et al. paper in the entry and Zeidler in his book QFT I, p. 859 onward ). In some contexts, a more convenient/enlightening basis for composition with the famous associahedra polynomials for the antipode / compositional inverse is the set of refined Lah partition polynomials of A130561. Both of these, of course, are related to Scherk-Graves-Lie infinigins that are umbralizations of infinigins for the coarser polynomials. Rota et al paper on Finite Operator Calculus notes connection between umbral calculus (Sheffer polynomials) and the Hopf algebra (for polynomials). 读物
Physical Interpretation Think of combinatorial quantum physics operator (raising and lowering operator) as a derived functor.
Nima Arkani-Hamed: Fluctuations (at short distances) based on a magnitude of discrepancy of 1 in {$10^120$} (at long distances). But this could be given by the addition of one discrete node to the existing {$10^120$} nodes, depending on whether or not it is included, whether the center is expressed as a node or not. Are the particle clocks - the carving up of space for an observer - related to the existence of mass and interaction with the Higgs boson? Trying to verify that a space is empty yields pairs of particles and anti-particles. The closer you look, the more chance that you will find exotic things. How does this relate to carving up space into what does not happen? Expansion of space is related to the growth of discrete space, as with the Sheffer polynomials. In the generating functions for the various Sheffer polynomials, why is it that the Hermite and Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials have f=0 but the other ones have {$f\neq 0$}? Does this have a physical meeting regarding the collapse of the wave function, the lack of some distance between the clocks? Also, Hermite and Meixner-Pollaczek both allow for sequences of odd and even polynomials in terms of {$x^{\frac{1}{2}}$}? And both have moments in terms of combinatorial objects that are pairs (like involutions, secant numbers).
Why is least squares the best fit?
Linear regression is focused on the effects "y". The generalized linear model (and the fivesome) relates that to the causes "x_1", "x_2", etc. There can then be a cause of an effect and likewise and effect of a cause and also a critical point. The critical point is where we have symmetry so that we can flip around x and y, cause and effect.
Roelof Koekoek. Inversion formulas involving orthogonal polynomials and some of their applications Richard P. Stanley. A Survey of Alternating Permutations Wilf. Generatingfunctionology. Math Stack Exchange. Expected value of falling factorials from axioms of Poisson process. The ordered Bell numbers for {$n=3$} can be organized like the root system {$G_2$} as pictured here. Patrick Njionou Sadjang. Moments of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials. How do the growth structures (causal trees) of orthogonal polynomials relate to group representations (such as pairs of Young tableaux - pairs of causal trees)? How are pairs of permutations (which are pairs of involutions) related to pairs of involutions (as with the Hermite polynomials)? Do the pairs of Hermite polynomials relate to the Robinson-Schensted algorithm? The second type of matching polynomial has remarkable connections with orthogonal polynomials. For instance, if G = Km,n, the complete bipartite graph, then the second type of matching polynomial is related to the generalized Laguerre polynomial Lnα(x) by the identity:
If G is the complete graph Kn, then MG(x) is an Hermite polynomial:
where Hn(x) is the "probabilist's Hermite polynomial" (1) in the definition of Hermite polynomials. These facts were observed by Godsil (1981).
Lectures on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Ne per brangi knyga. Rotation accords with orientation (of a simplex) accords with an imaginary number i or j. Orientation is related to permutation as with the linearization for orthogonal polynomials. Robert Gilmore. Group Theory. XIV. Group Theory and Special Functions. Relates Lie groups and orthogonal polynomials.
Orthogonal Sheffer polynomials
Interpret the combinatorics of Associated Legendre polynomials, and substituting {$\cos\;\theta$} and {$\sin\;\theta$}, the related spherical harmonics. Consider how they integrate with the Laguerre polynomials. Understand how they describe the possible states of the hydrogen atom and the periodic table of elements. Electron shells are given by twice the square {$2n^2$} which yields {$2,8,18,32,50...$} And the square number is understood as the sum of odd numbers: {$1+3+5+7+...$}. The {$2$} is the spin of the electron which we can think of as two sides of the square (as a sheet of paper). The shells (their odd number portions) are filled in a zig-zag pattern. This is based on the radial model of the hydrogen atom.
Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials have complex conjugate weights {$\alpha$} and {$\beta=\bar\alpha$} but actually they appear as link weight {$-\alpha -\bar\alpha$} which is real, and kink weight {$-\alpha\bar\alpha$} which is real. Note that the kink is the full portion (the amplitude) of {$\alpha$} whereas the link is twice the real portion. Thus the kink is a measure of entanglement, of the imaginary portion. Sheffer polynomial coefficients can be expressed in terms of elementary symmetric functions. How does that relate to the particle clocks? And {$\alpha$} and {$\beta$}? And do those relate to the forgotten symmetric functions with the two different kinds of labels? How do the colorings and derangements in the linearization coefficients of orthogonal Sheffer polynomials relate to John Baez's interest in colorings and derangements?
For Sheffer polynomials as such, in the implicate order, prior to orthogonality, there are no notions of moments or distribution or weight function. Legendre polynomials appear when solving the Schrödinger equation in three dimensions for a central force. Wave function arises when two systems interact. As given by orthogonal Sheffer polynomials. Jacobi polynomials have a notion of combinatorial space that may be relevant for thermodynamics as it relateswo disjoint sets malping into their union. Path integrals depend on the number of points in space, or the number of interactions. But my approach suggests that this number is actually given by the degree of x in the relevant polynomial. Orthogonal Sheffer polynomial recurrence relation has 5 inputs. 3 are first-step, external, weighted, meaningful in the broader environment. 2 are later step, dependent on {$n$} or {$n(n-1)$}, meaningful internally. The pair of causal trees - the squaring of the wave function - may be expressing sexual combination. Integrating the square of the wave function with a definite integral - summing over the step function of the orthogonality equation for the Meixner polynomials - is simply a way of grouping together combinatorial objects, and if you like, giving a linear weight to them (if you are dealing with nonintegers). But you can group them in other ways as well - so this interpreation is superior to that of the wave function. It lets you think of measuring (grouping) units of information in different ways. Combinatorics of the residue theorem can provide a combinatorial interpretation of the distributions arising from the moments of the orthogonal Sheffer polynomials. Here is an example of how to consider it combinatorially:
Potential energy source {$\frac{y}{2}$} (adding free cell) is in balance with kinetic energy source {$i\frac{\partial}{\partial y}$} (half-link) Feinsilver. Lie algebras, Representations, and Analytic Semigroups through Dual Vector Fields. Group theory related to orthogonal Sheffer sequences. Locality is the whole achievement of the continuum. Local means low overhead and the actual global time frame is even lower overhead. Locality arises with orthogonality, assumes measurement, observers, space time wrapper. A sum of particle clocks is like a prism operator (in the proof for singular homology that homotopic maps induce the same homomorphism for the homology groups) but without the minus signs. The wave equation - and waves in general - are expressions of analytic symmetry. Think of {$\alpha$} and {$\beta$} as the steps in two frames that are centered on two events. If {$\alpha=\beta=0$}, then the two frames coincide and so the kinematics collapses, the edge statistics collapse. Linear regression
Understand the analytic symmetry in this expression for a weight function: {$\omega(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\omega(x)\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^n(2\pi i \xi x)^{n+k}}{n!k!}dx d\xi$}.