Introduction E9F5FC Questions FFFFC0 Software |
Consider a functor {$F:C\rightarrow\textrm{Set}$}. ![]() {$\tilde{F}\cong F$} {$Fc \cong \textrm{lim}(c/C\overset{\Pi}\rightarrow C\overset{F}\rightarrow D)$} Explain the following: {$Fc \cong \textrm{Set}(*,Fc) \cong \textrm{Cone}(*,F\Pi) \cong \textrm{Set}^C(C(c,\_)), \textrm{Set}(*,F\_)) \cong \textrm{Set}^C(C(c,\_),F)$} {$Fc \cong \textrm{Set}(*,Fc)$} This is simply rethinking the objects of {$Fc$} as arrows. {$Fc$} is a set. And {$*$} is any singleton (any set with one element). {$\textrm{Set}(*,Fc)$} is the set of set functions from the singleton to the set {$Fc$}, which is to say, it is a set of arrows. Any such set function simply takes the singleton to some element of the set {$Fc$}. Thus the set {$\textrm{Set}(*,Fc)$} is in bijection with the set {$Fc$}. But furthermore we can think of {$Fc$} as a functor with input {$c$} and we can think of {$\textrm{Set}(*,Fc)$} as a functor with input c. We can show that these two functors are naturally isomorphic by considering what they do to an arrow {$f:c\rightarrow c'$} in {$C$}. {$Ff:Fc\rightarrow Fc'$} is a set function. And {$\textrm{Set}(*,Ff):\textrm{Set}(*,Fc)\rightarrow \textrm{Set}(*,Fc')$} is a set function which postcomposes the elements of {$\textrm{Set}(*,Fc)$} with the arrow {$f$} to get the elements of {$\textrm{Set}(*,Fc')$}. We can define a natural transformation {$\gamma$} with components {$\gamma_c: Fc\rightarrow \textrm{Set}(*,Fc)$} which sends each element in {$Fc$} to the set function which sends the singleton to {$Fc$}. This map is reversible and defines a natural isomorphism. {$Fc \cong \textrm{Cone}(*,F\Pi)$} This comes from applying {$Fc \cong \textrm{lim}(c/C\overset{\Pi}\rightarrow C\overset{F}\rightarrow D)$}
The category of elements {$\textrm{el}(F$}) of the functor {$F:C\rightarrow\textrm{Set}$} is defined as follows:
Given object {$d$} in {$D$} and functor {$K:C\rightarrow D$}, the category {$d\downarrow K$} of elements of the functor {$D(d,K\_):C^{op}\rightarrow\textrm{Set}$} is defined as follows:
Given object {$c$} in {$C$} and functor {$\textrm{Id}_C:C\rightarrow C$}, the category {$c\downarrow \textrm{Id}_C$} of elements of the functor {$C(c,\_):C^{op}\rightarrow\textrm{Set}$} is defined as follows:
This is the same as {$c/C$} where {$C$} is a category with an object {$c$}. This is the slice category of {$C$} under {$c$} (which is a special case of a comma category) defined as follows:
{$c/C\overset{\Pi}\rightarrow C\overset{F}\rightarrow D$} is a functor {$F\Pi$} from {$c/C$} to {$D$}
For a diagram {$F:J\rightarrow C$}, the functor {$\textrm{Cone}(\_,F):C^{op}\rightarrow \textrm{Set}$} sends object {$c$} in {$C$} to the set of cones over {$F$} with summit {$c$}. What is {$\textrm{Cone}(*,F\Pi)$}? Does {$*$} stand for {$c$}? |