Andrius Kulikauskas
- m a t h 4 w i s d o m - g m a i l
- +370 607 27 665
- My work is in the Public Domain for all to share freely.
Polynomial coefficients
- Understand Kim and Zeng's interpretation of the linearization of orthogonal polynomials in terms of derangements.
- Does the local phase invariance deal with self-action?
- Interpret {$E^2=m^2c^4+p^2c^2$} in terms of cells.
- Interpret {$\sqrt{1-x^2}$} in terms of spinors.
- Interpret {$H\psi=E\psi$} in terms of cells.
- Interpret the Dirac equation, and the Klein-Gordon equation, in terms of cells.
- Is there a term residual spin? See: Zeeman effect
- Switching between coordinate systems. Can this is any way affect kinetic and potential energies? And thus have consequences for the Lagrangian and least action?
Weight function
- Study the relationship between the continuum (Hermite) and the discrete (Kravchuk) by looking at the translation give by Np.
- Where do {$p$} and {$p-1$} show up in math?
- Note the relationship between Meixner polynomials and orthogonal Sheffer polynomials and use that to calculate the weight function and the orthogonality equation for the general case.
- Learn about weights from the paper cited by the Kravchuk SO3 paper.
- Consider the weights of the various families of orthogonal polynomials and their properties. For example, 1/2cosh(pi x/2) is, up to a dilation, its own Fourier transform. Are the other weights similarly related to geometric transformations?
- Given a set of orthogonal polynomials, how to calculate the weight function?
- Is the relationship between humans and God modeled by the relation between discrete (Kravchuk - binomial) and continuous (Hermite - normal) probability distributions?
- How does the generating function for {$P_n$} relate to the weight? They seem similar. Why?
- Understand what function gives the zeroes that determine the range for the weight function.
- Why exactly are the Hermite polynomials not orthogonal with regard to the binomial distribution?
- Why do Meixner, Charlier, Kravchouk polynomials have discrete probability mass functions and Hermite, Laguerre, Meixner-Pollaczek have continuous probability density distributions?
- The Meixner polynomials involve a substitution {$x\to px$} where {$p=\sqrt{d^2-4g}$} so that the links are balanced by the kinks. How does that relate to Poincare invariance?
Moments - free space
- Think of moments {$\mu_n$} in terms of walks that wander up to a distance {$n$}. These walks are the expressions of momentum, perhaps their building blocks.
Alpha and beta
- Solve the recurrence equation for orthogonal polynomials to show how ax and f are related.
- How does the combinatorics show how Meixner polynomials can be specialized to equal Hermite, Charlier, Laguerre, Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials?
- What are the values of {$\alpha$} and {$\beta$} by which the Kravchuk polynomials specialize the Meixner polynomials?
- If {$\alpha - \beta > 0$} describes Meixner, then does {$\beta - \alpha > 0 $} describe Meixner-Pollaczek?
- Why can't we have other specialization of the Meixner polynomials, for example, {$\beta = -\alpha$}? Or {$\beta = 2\alpha$}? And so on. Why should only five cases be physically meaningful?
- Clebsch-Gordan coefficients relate to Hahn polynomials, and to Meixner.
- Learn about the amplituhedron and study how my work is a simplification that replaces the Grassmannian of a vector space with a powerset of a set. And relate this simplification to the field with one element.
Links and kinks
- A kink is a contraction (a line) as defined for Wick's theorem. What is a normal ordering? An abnormal ordering? A link?
- How to think of links and kinks? Are there two-step operators for kinks? What does it mean that an ascent skips over a number?
- How are alternative tableaux related to links and kinks?
- What would a kink look like for a tableaux?
- Connes noncommutative geometry is based on every point being actually a pair of points (on two sheets), on which 2x2 matrices operate, and yields the Standard Model. Are these pairs of points expressing the dual causality of the fivesome, links and kinks?
Zeng trees
- How do the Zeng growth trees code the decomposition of representations?
- Are there group representations that grow like the combinatorics of the Hermitian polynomials? (And thus the most trivial Zeng trees?)
- What is the connection between growth in standard tableaux and growth in Zeng trees?
- How is Kim-Zeng linearization (generalized derangements) related to the representation of the symmetric group and general linear group?
Kravchuk polynomials
- In what sense are the Kravchuk polynomials possibly a sixth kind of orthogonal polynomial?
- How are Hermite and Kravchuk polynomials related as limiting cases?
- In what sense are Kravchuk polynomials a special case of Meixner polynomials?
- What is the meaning and significance of the conic sections "dot" and "X" (two lines crossed)?
- For the conic sections, given the two cones, can we identify one with the inside and the other with the outside?
- Meixner-Pollaczek marries discrete and continuous by way of angle {$\theta$}, periodic, as a helix? And double helix because {$\alpha$} and {$\beta$} are in opposite directions. So how does DNA code that?
- "This is the fundamental unit of information" relate to binary trees and Ferrers diagrams. Also relate to walks on binary trees with letters from the threesome. How does the combinatorial sequence 3-1-2 relate to the threesome?
- Based on the case of the harmonic oscillator, setting units like h to 1, energy is simply the frequency. In general, is energy the frequency of conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy and back again, as with the harmonic oscillator?
- The combinatorial configurations into cells and relationships are presumably the same regardless of which is assigned to position and which to momentum... and other, possible hybrid, physical qualities? Or does the Fourier transform introduce some subtle difference? So what is the meaning of these deeper configurations? And what does it mean when they signify the result of a measurement?
- {$\sqrt{l^2-4k}$} relates the deviation from the mean and the deviation from the variance. For Meixner, the mean deviation is larger, for Meixner-Pollaczek, the variance deviation is larger. What does that say about causality - causal links and causal kinks - and the related physics - and also disentangledment and entangledment? And what does it mean that they are balanced for Charlier (arisal of wave function), Laguerre (persistence of wave function), Hermite (collapse of wave function)? Currently, quantum physics is based on the collapse of the wave function.
- Interpret combinatorially the formula for an orthogonal polynomial as a determinant of moments for the given measure.
- Fourier transform transforms the shift operator into the differentiation operator and vice versa. So how does it relate shift invariance (relativity, as with Sheffer polynomials) and invariance with regard to differentiation (as with weight functions like {$e^x$})?
- Express the combinatorics of orthogonal polynomials in terms of symmetric functions of eigenvalues. For example, start with Hermite polynomials and define fixed points and involutions. In general, come up with a theory of species in terms of the symmetric functions of eigenvalues.
- In the Meixner case, the general case, distinguish levels: singleton {$x$}, doubleton {$\gamma$}, outgoing {$\alpha$}, incoming {$\beta$}.
- How do the combinatorial cycles that ground the Sheffer polynomials relate to my interpretations of the symmetric functions of eigenvalues? In particular, what may be the role of the forgotten symmetric function? And bricks of size 1 and 2? And having two alphabets?
- Study "Signals and Systems" to understand the Laplace transform, the Fourier transform, Shannon information.
- Give combinatorial interpretation of {$\Delta_n$}, {$c_{nn}=\frac{\Delta_{n-1}}{\Delta_n}$}, {$\lambda_{n+1}=\frac{\Delta_{n-2}\Delta_{n}}{\Delta_{n-1}^2}$}.
- Calculate the echo terms for {$A(t)$}, {$A'(t)$}, {$u(t)$}, {$u'(t)$} and compute {$\frac{A'(t)}{A(t)}$}.
- How is the exponential world combinatorially different from the regular world? It is bounded from above by {$n!$}.
- What are the transition matrices between the natural bases of the orthogonal polynomials? What are the combinatorial interpretations for their entries? They are indexed by integers rather than partitions.
- How is the eccentricity of the conics related to the discriminant? And how is the equation {$(1-\alpha t)(1-\beta t)=1+lt+kt^2$} and the coefficients related to the conics?
- For Sheffer polynomials, loops are spatial representations, explaining how two coordinate systems are related by different steps they take there and back. But trees of links and kinks are temporal representations. But l=-a-b and k = (-a)(-b) how to interpret that temporally? How does that link time and space? Or causality and coordinates?
Symmetric functions
- How are the orthogonal polynomial combinatorics related to the symmetric functions of eigenvalues?
- Bubbles can give you effects so they must be accounted for. What kind of effects? They can effect renormalization?
- Gaussian ensembles, in random matrix theory, have orthogonal, unitary, symplectic versions. They involve symmetric, Hermitian, Hermitian quaternionic matrices. They are said to relate to Hermite polynomials, but how?
- How can I write the spherical harmonics, usually written in terms of {$r, \Phi, \theta$}, in terms of {$r, x, y, z$} ? And in what sense are they orthogonal polynomials?
- There is slack, gap, in defining orthogonal polynomials, bases for linear subspaces, and so on. What is the relationship between that freedom, the cracks in the top down approach, and canonical choices?
- Summing over permutations, as in calculating moments, is very relevant to quantum field theory. Do ascents and descents correspond to raising and lowering operators?
- If analytical space is just a wrapper then real numbers are unreal. So what is there? What exists? Particles? What are particles?
- How does Minkowski space come out from the particle clocks?
- Does the bound-state particle-clock act on the bound-state? and other states likewise?
- Can we base all of physics on the fivesome? 5+0=5 (gravity), 5+1=6 (electromagnetism), 5+2=7 (weak force), 5+3=0 (strong force). And what about 5-1=4?
- The normal distribution expresses space in terms of one-dimensional walks. How does this express three-dimensional space?
- The fivesome is quadratic. How might this be the basis for the {$r^2$} behavior of gravity? or electromagnetism?
- The Meixner polynomials have a discrete formulation {$M_n(x,\beta,\gamma) = \sum_{k=0}^n (-1)^k{n \choose k}{x\choose k}k!(x+\beta)_{n-k}\gamma^{-k}$}. What does this mean for real x? And how does this relate to the combinatorics of the Sheffer polynomials and their interaction with space-time?
- What are natural bases for {$L^2$} ? The 5 Sheffer polynomials. What are natural bases for symmetric functions? There are 6. Are there four bases for the Yoneda lemma?
- How does Viennot's "coherent transport" work as a functor?
- Is the Raudys classification some how related to the Pearson classification?
- How is a propagator related to Green's function?
- How to interpret the commutator (or anticommutator) of a creation operation and annihilation operator?
- In quantum mechanics, how to interpret the commutator of momentum and position?
- In the combinatorial objects, note what gets weight {$x$} and what else is there.
- Relate zigzag permutations and Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials.
- Relate moments, weights and combinatorics of polynomials.
- Orthogonal polynomials - compare the case of complex and real coefficients. It would seem that the Meixner case of independent roots is most general but what if the coefficients then get restricted from complex to real, as with a measurement? Then perhaps the Meixner-Pollaczek case retains complexity.
How are the natural orthogonal polynomials related to the natural bases of the symmetric functions?
- Hermite - pairs - monomial?
- Charlier - cycles - power?
- Laguerre - strict ordering - elementary
- Meixner-Pollaczek - alternatin permutation - Schur
- Meixner - weak ordering - homogeneous
Leaving the forgotten as an extra basis.
I am studying the manifestation of the fivesome in the fivefold classification of Sheffer polynomials of A-type 0?.
- Time requires a clock in the immediate vicinity. What does that mean?
Three-dimensional space
- One distinguishable dimension (in which motion occurs)
- Two indistinguishable dimensions (bosonic?)
An infinite cylinder (as in homotopy theory) is the basis for space and the reason why space is three-dimensional. Space is three-dimensional because the boundary separates outside and inside.
- The radial direction depicts outside (and also inside).
- The vertical direction depicts inside (or outside - in parallel).
- The tangent direction (of the circle) depicts the boudnary.
Time is one-dimensional because the present unites the past and the future.
- Empty space (Hermite polynomials) has particle created and then annihilated.
- Nonempty space has particle annihilated and then created (thereby moved).
- Retaining identity in space and time - a principle grounded in the combinatorics of orthogonal polynomials - thus there exists identity as a long term entanglement
- Wolfram's computational equivalence - simple program can be equivalent to the most complicated programs - and add to this the notion of degenerate programs which are less powerful. And an algebra of degeneracy which provides the desired content.
- There is a symmetry of walking away and walking back, {$\alpha$} and {$\beta$}.
- Empty space has unconnected coordinate system for each particle.
- Nonempty space (the other four possibilities) is given by pairs of coordinate systems and they represent entanglements.
- For orthogonal polynomials in quantum field theory, when particles go to another coordinate system and then return, it is because the original coordinate system is understood to be in a broader framework with presumptions about a second coordinate system.
Hermite polynomials
- Gaussian beam and Hermite-Gaussian modes relate to the Gaussian distribution and the Hermite polynomials.
Laguerre polynomials and Laguerre functions
- Laguerre function terms can be matched to the number of injective functions from subsets of [n] to [n].
- Number of terms in Laguerre polynomial.
- 1/n! on the outside of Laguerre polynomials means that the order (on one side) doesn't matter externally although it matters internally.
- In the combinatorics of Sheffer polynomials, {$\alpha$} describes the steps taken in our coordinate system away from our origin to the origin of another coordinate system, and {$\beta$} describes the steps taken from the origin of that coordinate system back to our origin. Thus the Sheffer polynomials ground the creation of space-time.
In the classification of Sheffer polynomials, we have the choices:
- {$\alpha = 0$}, {$\alpha \neq 0$}
- {$\beta = 0$}, {$\beta = \alpha$}, {$\beta \neq \alpha$}, {$\beta = \overline{\alpha}$}
So there are eight possibilities, but some of them are related.
- Wick's theorem? organizes creation and annihilation operators in very much the same way as the Hermite polynomials organize Zeng saplings. This suggests that momentum (the movement of a particle) can be thought of as the annihilation of a particle in one location and the creation of a particle in a different location. I am learning about Feynman diagrams to see how they might relate to Zeng saplings.
Adjoint probabilities
- Adjoint probabilities {$p$} and {$p-1$} are like adjoint primes. One is odd and one is even (the complement of odd) but they are in opposite directions.
Dennis Stanton's paper on orthogonal polynomials and group representations
- Describes the discrete space upon which Hahn polynomials act (and thus Meixner polynomials).
- Orthogonality Theorem. There are three kinds of orthogonal relations possible for group representations that the orthogonal polynomials can express themselves with regard to. The orthogonality of the vector space basis; summing discretely over the basis with regard to the group action; integrating over the group.
Dennis Stanton. An Introduction to Group Representations and Orthogonal Polynomials.
- Weight function has us integrate over the group that the orthogonal polynomials are representing.
- The orthogonal polynomials are expressing the orthogonality of the inner product space.
Orthogonal polynomials
- Redefine notion of eigenfunction to be the orthogonal polynomial. Weight function (space time) is for orthogonality. It is the space-time measure and there are 5 different kinds. And they refer to probability, they impose it.
- Mesuma K. Atakishiyeva, Natig M. Atakishiyev, Kurt Bernardo Wolf. Kravchuk polynomials and irreducible representations of the rotation group SO(3) related to quantum harmonic oscillator and to SU(2). Mentions that Charlier and Meixner are related to SU(1,1).
- G.Staples. Kravchuk Polynomials and Induced/Reduced Operators on Clifford Algebras
- Kravchuk polynomials can be interpreted as matrix elements for representations of SU(2). T. Koornwinder, Krawtchouk polynomials, a unification of two different group theoretic interpretations, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 13 (1982), 1011–1023.
- In quantum theory, Kravchuk matrices interpreted as operators give rise to two new interpretations in the context of both classical and quantum random walks. The latter interpretation underlies the basis of quantum computing. P. Feinsilver, J. Kocik, Krawtchouk matrices from classical and quantum random walks, Contemporary Mathematics, 287 (2001), 83–96.
- In the context of the classical symmetric random walk, Kravchuk polynomials are elementary symmetric functions in variables taking values ±1. P. Feinsilver, R. Schott, Krawtchouk polynomials and finite probability theory, In: H. Heyer (ed.) Probability Measures on Groups X (Olberwolfach 1990), pp. 129–135, Plenum, New York, 1991.
- Doha, Ahmed. Recurrences and explicit formulae for the expansion and connection coefficients in series of classical discrete orthogonal polynomials Has recurrence formulas for Kravchuk, Meixner, Charlier polynomials.
Dongsu Kim and Jiang Zeng are the authors of the tree paper. "A Combinatorial Formula for the Linearization Coefficients of General Sheffer Polynomials"., 2001.
- Dongsu Kim, Department of Mathematics, KAIST, Taejon 305-701, Korea, E-mail: dskim AT
- Jiang Zeng, Institut Girard Desargues, Université Claude Bernard (Lyon I), 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France, E-mail: zeng AT
- Citations of their paper
- [[ | Why are all my separable solutions orthogonal polynomials in {$L^2$}?
Orthogonal polynomials
- Entangled knowledge {$\alpha$}, {$\overline{\alpha}$} are opposite answers to a shared question.
- {$\alpha$}, {$\beta$} are disentangled knowledge
- Entangled {$\alpha$}, {$\overline{\alpha}$} same subsystem {$\Rightarrow$} disentangled {$\alpha$}, {$\beta$} different subsystems. Is the direction correct?
Coordinate systems - gap between self (where you are - local) and space (where you were - global).
- {$\alpha$}, {$\beta$} nonentangled (after collapse) the global system is distinct
- {$\alpha$}, {$\overline{\alpha}$} entangled - global system is intricately related to the local system
- {$\alpha$}, {$\beta$} expresses the deviation from the bound state
- {$\alpha$}, {$\overline{\alpha}$} ęxpands upon the bound state as given by the imaginary component
Think of orthogonal polynomial classification roots alpha, beta as probabilities. Then the total probability is alpha x beta.
alpha x beta | independent fields (disentangled) |
alpha x alpha-bar | conjugate fields on either side (entangled) |
alpha x alpha | same field |
alpha x 0 | one field x null field |
0 x 0 | null field |
Negative probability
- My perspective: negative probability is the opposite probability in the reverse time direction. So the probability p is balanced by the probability p-1 = -(1-p). Something happening in one direction is balanced by something unhappening in the opposite direction.
- My perspective: probability and negative probability take place as steps in opposite sides of a particle clock. If we measure the probability on one side, then we destroy the probability on the other side.
- Richard Feynman. Negative probability.
- X is the actual probability, Y is the measurement error of X, and Z=X+Y is the observed value. Thus X may be negative but it is shielded by Y.
- The negative regions of the distribution are shielded from direct observation by the quantum uncertainty principle: typically, the moments of such a non-positive-semidefinite quasiprobability distribution are highly constrained, and prevent direct measurability of the negative regions of the distribution. Nevertheless these regions contribute negatively and crucially to the expected values of observable quantities computed through such distributions.
- In Convolution quotients of nonnegative definite functions[5] and Algebraic Probability Theory [6] Imre Z. Ruzsa and Gábor J. Székely proved that if a random variable X has a signed or quasi distribution where some of the probabilities are negative then one can always find two random variables, Y and Z, with ordinary (not signed / not quasi) distributions such that X, Y are independent and X + Y = Z in distribution. Thus X can always be interpreted as the "difference" of two ordinary random variables, Z and Y. If Y is interpreted as a measurement error of X and the observed value is Z then the negative regions of the distribution of X are masked / shielded by the error Y.
- The proposed “propensity” concept in Xie et al.[14] turns out to be what Feynman and others referred to as “quasi-probability.” Note that when a quasi-probability is larger than 1, then 1 minus this value gives a negative probability. In the reliable facility location context, the truly physically verifiable observation is the facility disruption states (whose probabilities are ensured to be within the conventional range [0,1]), but there is no direct information on the station disruption states or their corresponding probabilities. Hence the disruption "probabilities" of the stations, interpreted as “probabilities of imagined intermediary states,” could exceed unity, and thus are referred to as quasi-probabilities.
- Wigner quasiprobability distribution is the Wigner–Weyl transform of the density matrix, so the realization of that operator in phase space. In 1949, José Enrique Moyal, who had derived it independently, recognized it as the quantum moment-generating functional,[5] and thus as the basis of an elegant encoding of all quantum expectation values, and hence quantum mechanics, in phase space.
- Phase-space formulation The chief advantage of the phase-space formulation is that it makes quantum mechanics appear as similar to Hamiltonian mechanics as possible by avoiding the operator formalism, thereby "'freeing' the quantization of the 'burden' of the Hilbert space".[5] This formulation is statistical in nature and offers logical connections between quantum mechanics and classical statistical mechanics, enabling a natural comparison between the two (see classical limit).
- The decision point (present, boundary) is the quantum {$x$} which commutes with either ground so that {$\int p_k x p_n$} can be interpreted ambiguously, and so relations with distant, nonproximate levels can be discarded.
- The Sheffer polynomials are perhaps characterized by the operator {$x$} and its action on {$P_n(x)$} whereas the classical orthogonal polynomials are perhaps characterized by the operator {$\frac{\textrm{d}}{\textrm{dx}}$} as with the Rodrigues formula.
- Moments - the numbers give the impact of {$x^k$}.
- Hankel determinant - the numbers describe what momentum is.
- Wolfram's cellular automata can be thought of as acting on the hierarchy of levels, as with raising and lowering operators.
- Krautchouk polynomials are a family that consists of only finitely many polynomials. The higher polynomials are zero. This introduces the notion of finiteness. It may be a sixth possibility that expresses the finite human situation, morality, the sixsome.
Sheffer classification gives 5 possibilities for synchronization. Consider {$\alpha$} and {$beta$} as vectors in the plane. Then we can have:
- Two points at the origin.
- A point at the origin and a vector.
- The same vector twice.
- Two nonzero vectors of different length on a line.
- Complex conjugates in the plane
- The configurations that orthogonal polynomials code explain how phase space can be divided into distinct trees or cycles. The division of phase space into more compartments requires higher energy.
- Orthogonal polynomial growth configurations (Zeng nurseries) can be thought of as a nondeterministic algorithm.
- Consider Aristotle's four causes in terms of the two kinds of causality in decision making.
- Empty space is given by the weight. Differentiating it yields the same (almost) - a difference by a quantum. Differentiating {$x^k$} yields a lower degree, thus clearly different, and similarly with {$P_n(x)$}.
- is what i am interested in.
Sturmian functions - harmonic oscillator
- Sturmian words - billiard ball bouncing between horizontal and vertical sides of table
- Sturmian functions
- This paper relates Sturmian words, Sturmian functions and Sturmian numbers.
- Relativistic quantum harmonic oscillator
- A.Poszwa. Relativistic Generalizations of the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
- Spherical harmonics
- R. P. Martı́nez-y-Romero. Relativistic quantum mechanics of a Dirac oscillator 1999. Free article. Refers to spinor spherical harmonics.
- The spinor spherical harmonics are the natural spinor analog of the vector spherical harmonics. While the standard spherical harmonics are a basis for the angular momentum operator, the spinor spherical harmonics are a basis for the total angular momentum operator (angular momentum plus spin). These functions are used in analytical solutions to Dirac equation in a radial potential.
- See: Greiner, Walter (6 December 2012). "9.3 Separation of the Variables for the Dirac Equation with Central Potential (minimally coupled)". Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Wave Equations. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-88082-7.
- Relativistic hydrogen atom
- R. P. Martı́nez-y-Romero. Relativistic hydrogen atom revisited American Journal of Physics 68, 1050 (2000). The hydrogen atom is solved using a simple method. We show that this system has an exact solution that can be written in terms of Laguerre polynomials of noninteger index, instead of the hypergeometric series. This point is important because Laguerre polynomials of integer index appear in the solution of the nonrelativistic hydrogen atom, giving students a more unified point of view for this system.
- A. D. Alhaidari, H. Bahlouli, M. E. H. Ismail. The Dirac-Coulomb Problem: a mathematical revisit Alhaidari researches orthogonal polynomials. Describes the relativistic hydrogen atom in terms of Pollaczek polynomials.
- Guillermo Palma, Ulrich Raff. The One Dimensional Hydrogen Atom Revisited
- Spacetime is made of events (the coordinates). But in quantum mechanics, an event is only when a wave function collapses. So time and space combine only when the wave function collapses. So relativity is only important for the actual collapse of the wave function. The wrapper {$e^{-x^2}$} may explain the quadratic nature of gravity. But how?
- Orthogonality measures self-duality. Two pyramids give the perspectives of position and momentum.
- Delayed signals? (Kinks?) Attiyah: Retarded Dirac operator. Attiyah, Moore. A Shifted View of Fundamental Physics.
- Time-delayed Dirac delta, Group delay and phase delay
- Subsystem requires 2 coordinate systems, thus the orthogonal polynomial combinatorics.
- Gravity is the relation between 2 coordinate systems.
- {$\alpha$}, {$\beta$} unentangled, {$\alpha$}, {$\overline{\alpha}$} entangled.
- Qft in terms of discrete time events based on the energy level. No need for continuum.
- Supersymmetry describes question-containers for particles.
- The conceptual foundation from which we can derive Minkowski space, special relativity, quantum field theory.
- When you reach the global quantum (or zero) then you can say if you have been counting up or down.
- Hermite. {$\alpha,\beta =0$} means you won't run into the global quantum {$\gamma$}, which then goes to infinity.
- Dictionary data structure relates combinatorics and computer science.
- Dictionary data structure relates questions and answers, thus global and local.
- Add or delete particles.
- Histoire expresses memory.
- Morality means experiments that link the local and global through independence of the scaling of x. An experiment asserts that scaling and translation are independent.
- The fivesome, Minkowski space don't honor independent experiments as morality honors.
Interpreting how an observable as an operator that is acting as a shift upon the Hermite polynomial (the eigenfunction)
- Potential - is a term that is a second derivative of space-time
- Observable (energy) is (derivative of space-time)(derivative of information)
- Second derivative of information gives zero (after imposing orthogonality)
Sheffer polynomials - Quantum field theory
- In calculating the moments, the permutations are considered in terms of ascents (raising operators) and descents (lowering operators). Thus the ascents and descents express the workings of the particle's clock. There are not only creation and annihilation operators.
- For Sheffer polynomials, translation {$f$} occurs only in {$A(t)$} (for compactness) and not in {$u(t)x$} (the Lie algebra).
- In a permutation, ascents and descents turn around whether we are counting forwards or backwards.
- Relevant for the particle clock: Principle of least proper time. PBS Space Time. Is ACTION The Most Fundamental Property in Physics?
- Particles don't move, they disappear and reappear. Their clock is given by all the possible clocks according to their zone (what state they are acting on, which may be the null state, or the bound state, or so on.)
- In my theory, based on the Sheffer polynomials, the interaction has more time events, or rather, some of them are internal (kinematic).
- A particle-clock relates two vertices as two coordinate systems and the paths back and forth. This can be thought of as two-point kinematics.
- Have <creation | interaction | annihilation>.
- Make the Hermitian conjugate of the creation open.
- Energy levels? go as {$(m+1)^2=m^2+2m+1$}. So we get nonzero energy because of spin because {$m$} bleeds over. Spin is the "square root" because of nonmeasurability that arises between raising and lowering, creation and annihilation - it is as if a mid-state for that. Halfway between levels. Consider the contributions of creating and annihilation {$\sqrt{m}\sqrt{m+1}$}.
- Fivesome - see picture in Griffiths - (1 and 5) Radiation zone, (2 and 4) Intermediate region V=0 (centrifugal force), (3) Scattering region ({$V\neq 0$}).
Minkowski space-time
- Scaling and translation of orthogonal polynomials are dependent.
- Conflicting requirements that f=0 and that the polynomial be monic. Add a sixth variable (morality) as a coefficient times the monic, and this will be similar to making x = pN, but independently scaled. Morality is this independent scaling, what is small and what is large (just the large by the small)(show good will - small is enough).
- The 5 natural bases for {$L^2$} or the 6 natural bases for the symmetric functions are perhaps related to M-theory.
- There are 5 conic sections plus 3 more: the point C (where the cones meet), two lines that cross in an X, and the line segment (which arises in the limiting case as the hyperbola passes over to an ellipse). Given any other point P on the lower cone, P not C, then we get conic figures by rotating the plane that contains C along the axis that is tangent to the cone. We can start with a circle, then it becomes an ellipse ever longer, until it reaches infinity and becomes a parabola, which then intersects the upper cone as a hyperbola, which then becomes a line as the hyperbola gets squeezed and infinitely narrow, but then the line drops down to a line segment from P to C, from where it opens up as an ellipse, which grows in width until it becomes the circle. So the line segment is a moment of ambiguity where it equals the line and yet the limit cases from either side are different. The line segment seems like a string or loop in string theory.
- Nurseries, Zeng saplings
- An observer carves up spacetime into kinks.
- Kinks express the need that a question be answered, that there be resolution, that tension be resolved, which is important in all conceptual languages.
- Kinks express the yearning for justice, that everything be set right, that there be no loose ends.
- Kinks express the obligations met by a pushdown automata, as with balanced parentheses.
- Measurement is a trivial translation of coordinate system from x to x-a and thus relates to the trivial self-entanglement of a tree.
- Physicists know how to copy equations, how to manipulate them, how to solve them, how to set them up, but not how to read them mathematically, conceptually. Good physicists can read the physics and yet not the math.
- There is an alternating view (swapping momentum and position) where a shift in momentum is manifestation of position.
- {$x^n$} is n units of free space. Related to nth energy level.
- Space-time is a back drop of randomness which expresses orthogonality.
- Ehrenfest model ) of diffusion was proposed by Tatiana and Paul Ehrenfest to explain the second law of thermodynamics. The model considers N particles in two containers. Particles independently change container at a rate λ. If X(t) = i is defined to be the number of particles in one container at time t, then it is a birth–death process with transition rates. Related to Kravchuk polynomials.
Kravchuk polynomials are a special case of the Mexiner polynomials of the first kind. They are only a finite sequence.
Judea Pearl: The Fundamental Equation of Counterfactuals {$Y_X(u)=Y_{M_X}(u)$}. Relate to independent trials - throwing away a sheet of paper (a module).
Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie. The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect
Pearl seeing vs. Doing
Causality is about the granularity of explanation. Determinism would be total granularity and supposed God as an observer.
Paul Humphreys. The chances of explanation : causal explanation in the social, medical, and physical sciences.
When two events happen (the measurement of spins) there is a frame where one happens before the other. So if they are causally connected (as with spin measurements) there needs to be a distinguished frame. But that could be the frame in which they were initially entangled. So entanglement posits the existence of such a distinguished frame.
Bell's inequalities
Causal Set Theory
Variable based causation (plural) vs. Instance of causation (singular).
The longer you run an experiment (as at CERN), the more causality you introduce (in terms of labels n). So time is given by {$n$}, where {$n$} indicates the maximal power of {$x$}. This means that time is relative to, for example, energy.
Exact sequence: Grad, Curl, Div
Local - reversible, global (default) not reversible ("Not every cause has had its effects")
Looking at an ellipse in various ways yields all of the conic shapes. We can get a breaking at infinity. Thus this is a way to ground infinity. What about looking at a circle? We look through the point of the cone, which is where our eye is.
Supermaps and Causality.]]
- Supermaps - holes - contexts.
Differentiation changes level. {$x^n$} number of levels of volatility, number of derivatives