




Andrius Kulikauskas

  • m a t h 4 w i s d o m - g m a i l
  • +370 607 27 665
  • My work is in the Public Domain for all to share freely.


  • 读物 书 影片 维基百科

Introduction E9F5FC

Questions FFFFC0


Balanced emotions - towards peace.

Belief-desire psychology. Process explanation (causally efficacious) and program explanation (causally relevant).

Sympathy and compassion

feel with - empathy, feel for - sympathy





Fright and disgust

Fright keeps us from going outside, keeps us from changing.

Disgust keeps us from staying inside, drives us to change.

Gratitude - respect - resentment

Expecting fairness - met or not met - grace and justice

Envy, jealousy - disappointment - emptiness - resentment

Jealousy - wishing to be somebody else but expecting to be yourself. Anti-empathy.

Expecting what somebody else wishes


Related to pleasure? Normalization of pleasure - identification of self with pleasure.

Sexual euphoria - identificaion of a pair of people with pleasure.

Social euphoria - as with Sajudis or with Hitler?



Boundary shrinks - humor

  • Humor is when our boundary changes - the inside becomes outside - so that sadness becomes surprise. Seriousness is the opposite. Empathy is also the opposite. So humor is problematic. Consider moral and social emotions.
  • Juokas - perejimas is liudesio i juoka zmogaus ribai sumazejus uztat rimtumas yra zmogaus ribos nelankstumas o atjauta yra zmogaus ribu praplatejimas is nuostabos i liudesi ir panasiai Uztat viena prasme juoas skiria zmones taciau kita prasme vienija jeigu yra bendras lukestis ir bendras sulaukimas Uztat sveiikas judesys turi buti susijes su atjauta. Palyginti su permainom. Euforija yra oerejimas is laimes i linksmuma. Palyginti su kaip kas pasidaro.
  • Juokavimas išvengia neapykantą.

Expectations about one's self

  • Proud to be just, loyal, dutiful - compare with reassured to be moderate, believing, caring.
  • There is one kind of (third-person) blame that is just ascription of fault. But there is another kind of (second-person) blame that is normative: what people should expect, and thus, should feel. And communicating this to a second person (You) obliges them to accept the communication (to certify the receipt), in which case, they must imagine the expectation and, accordingly and involuntarily, feel the associated feeling - and for the sake of communication - show that feeling.
  • So I'm thinking this is about "our expectations about our selves (who we are - our behavior, identity, etc.)". This compares who we are (behavior) and our expectations of who we should be (morality). And this leads to the following emotions:
  • shame: if we are not what we should be (from an external point of view)
  • guilt: if we are not what we should be (from an internal point of view)
  • pride: if we are what we should be (from an external point of view)
  • reassurance: if we are what we should be (from an internal point of view)

So these would be specific versions of surprise, sadness, excitement and happiness. I'm wondering what might be the related versions of fright, disgust, suspense and peace. Note that expectations should be internal (guilt, reassurance) and not external (shame, pride).

Pleasure and pain

  • Pleased - having found the source of pleasure
  • Skausmas ir malonumas (ir kiti jausmai ir nuotaikos?) susiję su dėmesiu.
  • Desire - seeks the good. Pleasure is the image of the good - pain is the image of the bad. But they are just images.
  • Image as in seeing your own image in a mirror. That image reminds us that we are in our body, inasmuch as we are.
  • Passion - serving our desire - directly - or indirectly, through the image of the desire.
  • Identifying with one's passions and pleasures - like "owning" a car.`

Morality of feelings

Minimizing anxiety as minimizing immorality - minimizing immoral suspense - minimizing expecting what you don't wish for.

Širdies tiesa nepatenkinta kai tikimės to, ko netrokštame.

Jausmų doroviniai matai sutampa su jausmų

  • Jautrūs - tikimės to, ko trokštame, vadinas, teigiamai esame
  • Teigiamai jaučiamės - lūkesčiai patenkinti, vadinas, teigiamai veikiame
  • Ramūs - be lūkesčių, neskiriame ateities ir praeities, tuo pačiu neskiriame vidaus ir išorės, vadinas, teigiame mąstome

Iš jų galime išsiaiškinti, kur stringa trejybės ratas. Jeigu mes neramūs, mes negalime permąstyti; jeigu prastai jaučiamės, negalime vykdyti; jeigu esame buki, negalime tiksliai nusistatyti.

Gyvuliai turi visuomeninius jausmus - taip pat turi dorovinius jausmus (neapykantą, pyktį ir tt.) bet jie greičiausiai negali rinktis savo dorovinių jausmų apimties - ar atsisakyti savo tokių jausmų (neapykantos) ar ne.


  • Sako: Grožis yra pažadas, kad Dievas yra geras. Pažadas gali būti netęsėtas.
  • Schileris? Grožis ugdo nepriklausomybę, tad dorovę, tad laisvos visuomenės galimybę.


Esmė ir pilnatvė. Nenusakomumo išsakymas. Pilnatvė, tai lūkesčų galimybės - gėrio kryptys? Savastis reiškiasi lūkesčiais užtat "jaučiame" gyvumą. Nenusakomas jausmas: ramybė. Kaip ramybė susijusi su kitais vardais? Ramybė (vaisius) vs. rūpesčiai (nerimas). Ryšys tarp grožio išoriškumo ir ramybės.

Proto tyloje įsiklausome, išgirstame sprendimus - pavyzdžiui, bėgiojant po mišką, kuriuo taku pasukti - ir kai nežinai, kaip spręsti, tai padidini jautrumą ir vėl įsiklausai - ir taip iš naujo pakol kažką išgirsti.

Ramybė = įsijautimas - atsitokėjimas.

Mapping values to feelings

Mapping values to feelings. Doing nothing is the "unit" (identity) operation. Mapping into the unit, into zero, is a singularity as a map. Consider a sphere and the plane where you can map all of the sphere except one point, which matches the circle at infinity. In a polar coordinate system, the origin is no direction definable at the origin.

Emotion words

Barrett Book

Jausmų knyga (Barrett?)

  • Interoception canvas - physical but not emotional
  • Interoception evolved to regulate body budget
  • Affect primarily comes from prediction
  • Physiological prescription
  • Feelings are predictions but rather, in my view, are evaluations. This provides the reason for emotions - they are a separate manifold dedicated to learning (for self)
  • "each of us needs an emotion concept before we can experience or perceive that emotion"

Emotional manipulation

high emotion persuasive words that foster:

  • curiosity: desire to learn more
  • urgency: desire to take action now
  • confusion and helplessness: questioning Status Quo, realize they are missing out, establish us vs. them
  • anger: sheer outrage has one support a cause or share content
  • safe and satisfied: feel secure in one's choice
  • happy and alive: health
  • inspired: feel capable, in charge
  • relaxed and peaceful


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