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Active inference, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Information theory
Special Issue: Entropy: Models of Consciousness Bioelectricity differentiates the inside and outside of a bubble and its boundary. It functions like the Unconscious which integrates the whole. Whereas, within this constraint, the semiotic language of molecular change acts like the Conscious and allows for analysis in terms of components. What is Consciousness, which balances the two? Pressure on a boundary can play the role of a holistic mind without centralization. Pressure depends on an orientable surface with inside and outside. It also depends on thermodynamics, thus supposes entropy. Thus this could be half of a mind, and not depend on centralized organization. Neural connections, their weights are continuous, analog, not discrete. They are given by the Unconscious, which is not discrete, but continuous. Thomas Metzinger
Three minds Video on random walks. Idea: In the more sophisticated setting, can use rules derived from different contexts, thus choose which is the most fruitful context. Thus half of the mind is generating the answer, but half of the mind is choosing the context, as with the division of everything, asking the question. A third mind can oversee this. What does the Yoneda Lemma say about the three minds, considered as What, How, Why, acting on an arrow, Whether there is an arrow? What does this mean if we think of an arrow as a linear complex structure? Consciousness theories Integrated World Modeling Theory - predictive processing and global workshop Notes Mind and Life Institute. Varela. Supporting contemplative research.
Nathaniel Virgo
Scientific American. Christof Koch. What is Consciousness?` David Spivak. Dynamic Interfaces and Arrangements: An algebraic framework for interacting systems.
Dave Gray: Listener and storyteller have similar brainwaves. Reading a book, watching a movie we sublimate our thoughts, suppress disbelief. We accept another's stream of consciousness. This allows us to see what we have in common. Understanding, consciousness
In response to Daniel Ari Friedman's and Eirik Søvik's distinction of forward test and reverse test, consider the hierarchy of evidence which I use. For me, the most important is the limits of imagination as given by my introspection - what I see with my own eyes, that is, my mind's eye. The least important - but of ultimate importance when there is no data - is my aesthetic sense - but perhaps even beyond that is my consciousness of my own ignorance. In between, or perhaps even in a different dimension, is empirical, factual data from science, and the theories that grounds, which I would not want to contradict, and also testimonies about life from others and myself. In general, there is negative evidence - what I would not want to contradict - and positive evidence - what I affirm that I observe. We engage our faces. But imagine a dog who engages, smells my butt. The dog could conclude that my gut's ecosystem is conscious. In general, we could consider how a creature such as a computer would analyze our consciousness. Schwitzgebel - consciousness of the United States Top down reamplification - higher modules (conscious awareness) ask questions to senses (unconscious) in response to stimulus from senses.
The Math of Consciousness: Q&A with Kobi Kremnitzer
Absolutism based on relativism is good. Relativism based on absolutism is bad. Objectivity based on subjectivity is good. Subjectivity based on objectivity is bad. The mind that does not know is based on the mind that knows and not the other way around. This is the rule of consciousness and the basis for morality. Folk psychology. Daniel Dennett suggested studying this. Contact him.
An ideal of an algebra models self-awareness. Cohl Furey: A black hole likewise models self-awareness. Stability of ideas means they survive evolution. Inner monologue
Consciousness considers in parallel {$\pm 1$} which squares to {$+1$} (unconscious) and {$\pm i$} which squares to {$-1$} (conscious). |