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Investigation: Relate Bott periodicity to the eight-cycle of divisions of everything. Bott Periodicity Models Consciousness? Preliminary Exploration Modeling Introspected Contexts With Mutually Anticommuting Linear Complex Structures 博特周期性定理 Building blocks Matrix symmetry
Choice frameworks
Fourfold periodicity
Artin-Wedderburn theorem
Flavors of Bott periodicity Representations of Clifford algebras
Del Pezzo surfaces
Related math
Is Bott periodicity related to the triality of SO(8) ?
Homotopy groups
Loop spaces and suspension
Homology, cohomology
Symmetric spaces
Lie group embeddings Symplectic structures
Morse theory and geodesics
Real, Complex, Quaternions, Octonions
Octonionic line bundles
Clifford modules
Morita equivalences as quantum Hamiltonian reductions
CPT symmetry
Unit spheres
24-cell? Extensions
Raoul Bott
People who may care
Notes Renormalization group: Block spin This model is relevant when everything has only one parent, when the matrices are sparse and so there are local collections as to causality. Similarly, the chance of two neurons being connected is very small. Relate this to Bott periodicity. Each level increases or decreases the level of detail. But eight levels of detail (eight contexts) are all that you can distinguish and then you would just repeat. In Todd Trimble's classification of super division algebras, consider how they relate to the Chomsky hierarchy. In particular, for {$H+He$} we have {$hex=exh$} as with a linear Turing machine by which we could have {$hhhhhhex=exhhhhhhh$}. For {$C+Ce$} we have {$ce=e\bar{c}$}. This means that (when {$|c|=1$}) we have {$e=cec$} as with a pushdown automata. For {$R+Re$} we have {$re = er$}. If {$r=1$}, then {$e=er$}, as with finite automata. So it's true modulo real scalars. And then we should have a collapse {$e=$} disappears, as with {$C\ell_{\pm 4}$} when {$H$} is just the even part. Think of Bott periodicity as 8-2=6 where the -2 subtracts the complex Bott periodicity, which represents God and good in 6+1+1 and which creates the context for contradiction, making for the Bott cycle. Odd is reflective, switching spaces to acknowledge the reflection. Even is nonreflective (raw). How does time arise from the symmetry of time reversal? Does unconscious switch the direction? (going from effect to cause?) and conscious switch it a second time, thus keeping it the same? (from cause to effect?) Knowing becomes the past (decreasing slack). Not knowing opens up the future (increasing slack). The Clifford algebra expression {$\cos\theta e_1+\sin\theta e_2$} for the pin group {$Pin_\pm(2)$} may express the perception-action loop. It is periodic like a photon.
The linear complex structure {$ \begin{pmatrix}0 & -1\\1 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix}$} squares to {$-1$} and has order {$4$} and models the conscious outlook. Whereas its counterpart in the representation of {$CT$}-groups is odd antilinear {$ \begin{pmatrix}0 & 1\\1 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix}$}, squares to {$1$}, and models the unconscious outlook.
The length of quaternions models the independence of two planes. That is possible in three different ways. How is {$\mathbb{H}\oplus\mathbb{H}$} related to the eightsome? How is {$\mathbb{H}(2)$} related to the eightsome? In Bott periodicity, what does it mean that adding generators which square to -1 and adding generators which square to +1 yields the same when we have four generators? Is that (unconscious) knowing and (conscious) not knowing? Are they complementing each other with regard to the eightsome? Is there (unconscious) contextualizing and (conscious) decontextualizing (deconstructing)? And does this yield contexts as the manifestation of consciousness? What has priority? A gapped Hamiltonian can be understood as {$H\neq 0$} separating and distinguishing {$H>0$} (conscious) and {$H<0$} (unconscious). This establishes a change in perspective, stepping in and stepping out. The three-cycle is a parity operator (for space) which establishes supersymmetry. Space and time together define the foursome. Knowledge is the marking of a state in a symmetry. You have two views (two levels). Different states (known) and their symmetric transformation (no visible change, thus unknown). The essence of Bott perioidicity is relating (in terms of their actions, their symmetries) a (one-dimensional) circle {$U(1)$} (embedded in two dimensions) and {$\mathbb{Z}_2\times\mathbb{Z}_2$} (two zero-dimensional circles embedded in two dimensions)(or a vertical strip with top and bottom, front and back) Channels in reservations
The circle {$U(1)$}, key for quantum symmetry, models a perspective, is the source of rotations, the foundation of geometry. Linear (this is this; that is that) and antilinear (this is that; that is this). Linear and antilinear - Bott periodicity - how the question and answer relate. Does the answer follow the question? Or does the question follow the answer?
Orthogonality appears in Bott periodicity. Linear complex structures are orthogonal skew-symmetric matrices (for which {$j^T=-j$} so that together {$j^{-1}=-j=j^T$}. My approach to the wave function is based on orthogonal Sheffer polynomials. What is the relation, if any, between Sheffer polynomials and skew-symmetric matrices? The symmetry of Bott periodicity does not depend on the size of the dimensions but is deeper than whole numbers. If we think in terms of numbers, then it becomes much more complicated, as with the homotopy of spheres. In Bott periodicity, generators squaring to +1 give quaternionic structure? How does that equal to the operator +3 for consciousness with linear complex structures? Noncommuting means incompatible frameworks. So rotations and rotoreflections are incompatible. Unconscious and conscious are incompatible. But there is an isometry between unconscious and conscious. The fact that, for orthogonal matrices, {$O^T=O^{-1}$} and thus the inverse can be understood as reversing arrows (similarly for the unitary and compact symplectic cases) is an expression of the symmetry in math. Bott periodicity organizes these symmetries in math itself. Is there a category where the arrows are products of linear complex structures and the objects are subgroups of the orthogonal group? Does composition work out? The (nonassociative) octonions are perhaps related to the (associative) split-biquaternions, as the Lie group embedding unfolds, by considering that we don't know whether we Humans are living in the reflected world (based in God's mind) or unreflected world (based in our self), in the chain Human's view of God's view of Human's view... We may not know if we are living in the {$V_+$} or {$V_-$} of the split-biquaternions. This may give rise to an ambiguity, and also, a choice between our God and our self. That choice and that ambiguity may ground nonassociativity of perspectives, distinguishing between stepping out [Child's view of (Father's view of Mother's view)] and stepping in [(Child's view of Father's view) of Mother's view]. When associativity no longer holds, the system collapses, and we have zero objectively, and perhaps the field with one element, subjectively. The even subalgebra of a Clifford algebra {$Cl_{0,n+1}$} is the Clifford algebra {$Cl_{0,n}$}. The unit elements of that Clifford algebra is the spin group {$Sp(n+1)$}. Think of divisions of everything as an adjoint functor to the application of a linear complex structure on a symmetric space. In what sense is a linear complex structure the going beyond of oneself? {$J_1$} is a linear complex structure which models the unconscious, adding a perspective {$+1$}. {$J_2$} adds an antilinear operator which models reflection and a perspective on a perspective. Together they yield the conscious. {$J_3$} divides the space on which these act into two parallel spaces, thus is a perspective upon a perspective on a perspective. Together they are consciousness. {$J_3J_4$} defines an isometry between the two spaces.
Linear complex structure {$J_i$} is a perspective. A shift in perspective from {$J_i$} to {$J_j$} is their product {$J_iJ_j$}. Together they define a quaternionic structure. What is the meaning of longer products of perspectives? Freeman J. Dyson. The Threefold Way. Algebraic Structure of Symmetry Groups and Ensembles in Quantum Mechanics. J. Math. Phys. 3, 1199–1215 (1962) Symmetry breaking distinguishes vectors and spinors. We can carve up mental space from either end, in the (+1) and (-1) directions, or both ends (+2), arriving at {$Cl_{4,0}\cong Cl_{0,4}$}. How to understand (+3)? Compare Clifford algebras with chain complexes. {$A_1$} is the building block for Lie theory and its Lie algebra serves both {$SU(2)$} and {$SO(3)$}, thus relates vectors and spinors, and seems relevant for Bott periodicity. Could the exceptional Lie groups {$E_k$} be generated by Bott periodicity? A symmetric space has, at each point, a (global) isometry that (locally) inverts each tangent vector. Compare that with symmetry where we reflect across the center of a space. In John Baez's talk on the symmetric space, the functor acts on the category of representations of Clifford algebras, which is the category relevant for Morita equivalence. Doubling, halving, dividing a perspective (a space, a module) into two perspectives, yielding a perspective on a perspective. In a complex Clifford algebra, the coefficient {$i$} commutes with all of the generators {$e_k$} whereas the generators anti-commute with each other. If the coefficient {$i$} anticommuted with all of the generators, then this would simply be a real Clifford algebra with one more generator. So this is a very deep fact that distinguishes complex and real Clifford algebras. Think of Clifford algebra generators that square to {$-1$} as spinors, and those that square to {$+1$} as vectors. Each generator can be thought of as yielding a turn of {$\pi=180^\circ$}. Does that make sense? Rulead space generated by three minds, the three possible rules on the eight cycle. Are the CPT symmetries related by the three-cycle? What combinations are possible?
Is the {$E_8$} symmetry based on one half of Bott periodicity? Do the Dynkin diagrams of the exceptional Lie groups model counting backwards and forwards inside Bott periodicity? Neil Turok Mirror universe, big bang as a mirror, CPT symmetry. Is simultaneous CPT transformation the same as switching us from rotations to reflected rotations? Are there two parts of {$O(\infty)$}? And is this like the unconscious and the conscious, where the conscious is a reflected version of the unconscious? Barratt-Priddy-Quillen theorem. The group completion of the monoid of finite sets {$Fin^{gp}$} is the stable homotopy group of spheres. Classifying space for U(n) is the complex Grassmannian. Classifying space for O(n) is the real Grassmannian. {$O(\infty)$} has two parts and that may be reflected in the fact that the simple roots can be considered in two groups {$x_i-x_j$} and {$x_j-x_i$} where {$i<j$}. Consider how this works for each Lie group, unitary, symplectic, odd and even orthogonal groups. Grassmannian G(4,2) has five Plucker coordinates (4 choose 2) minus 1. Because it is up to scaling, which gives an extra dimension. Four points on a circle - if two chords cross, they can be untangled in two ways. Cluster algebra and "mutations" by which one product is the sum of two products. Ptolemy theorem. Idea: The threesome is what links together the two worlds of O(infinty). The threesome equates a shift in one world with a node in another world and vice versa. And this creates a circle - the three-cycle - which moves in one direction - distinguishing what is unconscious and what is conscious and defining a hole for Z. Basis is a context, supplies a context, provides a context. The number of bases involved is the context. Reflection is not commutative with regard to a linear complex structure. In the orthogonal group, commuting means that we have some eigenvector.
Consider all permutations of all lengths. (In considering the moments.) This is similar to {$O(\infty)$} or {$U(\infty)$} which considers all rotations. There is a theorem that relates them. And consider how to take the Fourier transform of all of that. And how does that relate to the Fourier transform of finite groups? How does matter antimatter asymmetry relate to the two branches of {$O(\infty)$} and the weak force? Spheres make prominent the dimensions 0/1, 1/2, 3/4, 7/8 that accord with the normed division algebras. The divisions of everything likewise pair odd and even divisions but also include 5/6. So is there any connection or not? nLab: Sphere spectrum The sphere spectrum is the suspension spectrum of the point. The homotopy groups of the sphere spectrum are the stable homotopy groups of spheres. The sphere spectrum is the higher version of the ring Z of integers. See also: nLab: Suspension Assignment is asymmetric (computer science), equality is symmetric (math). Compare this with linear complex structure. {$S_\infty$} = colimit of symmetric groups = permutations with finite support The conjugate of a quaternion flips the sign of all three dimensions. Is this a manifestation of a parity transformation? Could twistors relate the two branches of {$O(\infty)$}? And how could the (left-handed or right-handed) chirality of spinors relate to those two branches? How do the transpose, conjugate transpose, quaternionic transpose simplify Cramer's rule combinatorially?