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Bott periodicity, Bott periodicity for octonion maniacs
3 Levels of Awareness Cycling Through 8 Mental Contexts
General intelligence applies to multiple contexts, and arguably, to all relevant contexts. Similarly, absolute truth is true in all contexts. This suggests that general intelligence can be explored as inhabiting a metaphysics for absolute truth. We present such a solipsistic metaphysics of human experience informed by proposals by several researchers working independently and consider the extent to which it could be modeled by eightfold Bott periodicity, specifically, an embedding of classical Lie groups. 3 Minds Identify within us: Answering, questioning, investigating. Consider what it means for all three minds to act in harmony upon the same states. What do those states look like? Consider the investigatory mind, where we let go of all of the prejudices of the answering mind, and the preconceptions of the questioning mind, and contemplate the resulting abstract void where questions and answers come together. 8 Mental Contexts Complex things are defined in terms of simple things. But how do we define the simplest things? In terms of their relationships with each other. These are frameworks of perspectives, of channels between questions and answers. 24 Recontextualizations Bott periodicity A perspective is a linear complex structure. It is a symmetry-breaking operator. It is the time evolution operator {$i \times \mathcal{H}$} where {$\mathcal{H}$} is a Hamiltonian satisfying the relevant quantum symmetries. Octonions
References John Baez. The Octonions. {$\mathbb{OP}^1$} and Bott Periodicity. Louis Kauffman. From Hamilton's Quaternions to Graves and Cayley's Octonions Ben Goertzel. On the Algebraic Structure of Consciousness. |