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Biology, Neuroscience, Information theory, Entropy Understand Active Inference and its mathematical expression in terms of Wondrous Wisdom. Active Inference
Feeling one's way through vs. predictive. Active inference explains how people are inclined to confirm their biases. The purpose of consciousness is to force people to confront their biases, to investigate, to take a sober, honest look, which way is it. From Chris Field. Physics is Information Processing. Lecture 1. Entropy only makes sense as a discrete concept. This reminds me of how entropy is calculated by carving up phase space with a discrete grid, which implies there is an observer imposing a specific coordinate system. Also, the relationship with symmetry, where there are different actions which may yield the same effects.
Bayesian inference involves thinking backwards and as such is relevant for the fivesome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle Relationship between holographic principle, Markov blanket and free energy principle. Chris Fields has a diagram of a quantum reference frame with two chains with arrows in both directions, the measurement chain and the preparation chain, and with arrows passing from locations in the measurement chain to the outcome classifier and then to locations on the preparation chain. Is this related to the fivesome, sixsome or sevensome? The skeleton of an autoencoder. Chris Fields. A reference frame allows for measurement but requires and active participant to do that measurement. And the result is approximate, especially when communicated. Kullback-Leiber divergence: Principle of minimum discrimination information
Free energy = slack Consciousness requires the consideration of two different kinds of Bayesian priors - a presumption of knowing and a presumption of not knowing. Consider the varieties of energy: External (global) kinectic and potential. Internal kinectic and potential. Work and free energy. Sixsome? What more?
inference = "way of figuring things out" Structure Active Inference Generative model creates beliefs, the policy creates actions, but our actions are "fated". We are only "free" to choose our beliefs. So our consciousness has to do with the beliefs we take, our will. We don't have to experience our Bayesian inference, we can simply identify with it, take ownership of it.
Karl Friston - your universe is trying to infer you (given that you are trying to infer your universe). Orthogonal polynomials are based on a recurrence relation which is second order thus not a Markov chain, not modeled by Active Inference. Modeling experience from old self to new self - Bayesian analysis - prior belief + new evidence = revised belief |