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I am collecting slides and thoughts for my video updates on my ongoing research into wondrous wisdom. Wisdom as 24-fold Science and 8-fold Framework Latest Update for Wondrous Wisdom Welcoming you into my mind - into my mental workspace, my mental garage - so you could hang out here and get to know how I think and ultimately join in. Preliminary Definitions Goal of knowing everything and applying that usefully. Thus the relevance of God's perspective, whether or not God knows everything. Defining God as the zeroth person, as the level of spirit (the spirit of everything), as the absolute: unconditional-impartial-undeniable. Definition of Spirit. Definition of the big idea - "God doesn't have to be good". Definition of 4 layers. The equation of life. The Big Picture Definition of 4 persons: God, I, You, Other.
4 persons: God, I, You, Other. Eightfold Framework for Intelligence and Wisdom
The truths of the heart and of the world. 24-fold Structure for Sciences
Meaningful Experiences
6 kinds of experiences
24-fold Science of Everything