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Welcome to Math 4 Wisdom an Investigatory Community for Absolute Truth What is your relationship with truth? Kirby Urner: I see truth as a defensive strategy to keep one's effectiveness in the world intact. Where do find yourself in the landscape of truth? John Harland: There's a tremendous asymmetry between truth and untruth, or truth and bullshit. Bullshit is a lot easier to arrive at then truth. Truth is a difficult path and it's fraught. Do you wish for absolute truth? Kirby: I often think that the quest for absolute truth is oftimes the height of folly. Welcome! I am Andrius Kulikauskas, the host of Math 4 Wisdom, an investigatory community for absolute truth. This flows out of my lifelong quest to know everything and apply that knowledge usefully. John: Your questions are way broader scope than mine! Kirby: What's the relationship between truth and wisdom? Maybe they're not related at all. Wisdom is knowledge of everything, and as such, is the content of absolute truth. Mathematics is the study of structure, and as such, is the form of absolute truth. Math 4 Wisdom relates the language of wisdom and the language of mathematics. What do wisdom and math reveal about absolute truth? With this video, Welcome to Math 4 Wisdom, I am overviewing where we are seven months since my first video, Introduction to Math 4 Wisdom. Since then, I have uploaded 19 videos. We have about eight active participants. I invite you to join the Math 4 Wisdom discussion group, which is the hub of our activity. You will find a link at the description of this video and also at You can also find me tooting at the Mathstodon server and participating at Discord servers such as for Carl Jaimungal's Theories of Everything podcast and for the Summer of Math Exposition. In 1993, I received my PhD in mathematics from the University of California at San Diego. I studied math with the hope that it would be useful for expressing a new science for the knowledge of everything. Over the years I have documented an abstract language of cognitive frameworks which makes sense to me but others do not comprehend. The way I am thinking is very unusual. What could I do to be understood? Recently, I have recognized that these cognitive frameworks appear in advanced mathematical thinking, some of which I need to master. Such concepts include the Yoneda Lemma and adjunctions in category theory, Bott periodicity in algebraic topology, Möbius transformations in complex geometry and the four classical families in Lie theory. I believe that the essence of these concepts could be understood by, for example, a teacher of high school math, such as Kirby Urner, or a motivated person with a high school education, such as Bill Pahl. Bill Pahl: I'm an amateur at math. Slowly I've been getting more of a grasp of the subjects being discussed. I have mapped out the learning paths that I wish to explore in the coming year. My goal is not to learn math for its own sake but to show how advanced math runs up against the limits of imagination which are described by cognitive frameworks such as divisions of everything. I am trying to communicate, clarify, validate and apply such frameworks. What I have learned from our interactions is that I myself seek absolute truth but personally we all have very different relationships with truth. Jinan KB: Children are in truth, you know? Which means that existence itself is truth. Andrius: In your life, how does truth work? What is your view practically, how you deal with the issue of truth in your life? Bill Pahl: I would say there is a lot of relativity to it. Observer bias, whatever. Obviously, you're an absolute truth guy, and I don't have a very structured or defined category for that term. I would generally defer to things being relative to one another. So, if you've got ten opinions, they all have some value at some level. Maybe I'll be convinced of absolute truth by you and arrive at it. It has something to do with time and place for me. So, today is one thing. Someone's perspective from a previous era, from a different culture, it all has value. I will talk about that as I introduce our current participants, starting with myself. Along the way I will discuss the videos I have uploaded and the ones I intend to create with your participation, your help and support. For me, the most important videos are in the playlist called Wondrous Wisdom, where wondrous rhymes with my name Andrius. Wondrous wisdom is the name that I give to the language of cognitive frameworks which I also call simply the language of wisdom. Here is my story. As a six-year-old child, I resolved to know everything and apply that knowledge usefully. But this is very dangerous. So I engaged God, "Give me the freedom to think whatever I need to think, maybe you exist and maybe you don't, maybe you are good and maybe you aren't, but regardless of what I learn, I will always believe in you." Then I proceeded to learn everything I could. In high school, I came to realize that in the quantum world, reality fades away, so that must not yield the knowledge of everything. It must be there where we are most able to find it, but nobody wants to look, which is the study of wisdom. Michael Schreiber: It's really noticeable that you have a positive attitude about it. It is one of the things that will help people to go over the shaky bridges. Shaky not necessarily because of their construction because if you go over a bridge made out of glass, you look down, you feel that little bit anxious. Andrius: The bridges may be shaky, as you said, but the real issue is the altitude. I am walking on bridges that are very high. I am doing things that could anger God. So if people don't believe in God even, the whole thing is just very... In 1982, I entered the University of Chicago. We were encouraged to ask the big questions in life, but we were discouraged from thinking that we could ever answer them definitively. All knowledge was relative. Back then, in academia, many subjects were taboo, such as consciousness, causation, the reason "why" in biology, the emotions of animals, prayer, wisdom and the reality of God. To this day arguably the greatest taboo is the concept of absolute truth. I had to develop this concept on my own by documenting the limits of my imagination. The video Preliminaries: Building Blocks: Frameworks of Perspectives explains the fundamentals, starting with the concept of everything, and then proceeding to divisions of everything into two or three or four or more perspectives. Michael: We are in a difficult spot because we use a linear medium like video or text and part of the structures are not linear. Technology of communication is an extra complication and so I very much like diagrams and two-dimensional representations. So maybe a good thing is that you do a bit of theater about it. Andrius: You like that? Michael: Yeah because it gives a chance for people who have no real way to relate to what you want to say on a content level, especially if they are new to that, so when they observe your emotion that it might create some resonance which works even if there is only a very fragile level of knowing the terminology and methods that you are introducing. For example, we are familiar with the argument between free will and fate. Rather than get sucked into this argument, we can simply observe that these two perspectives complement each other. We need two perspectives for matters of existence, as when we ask a question, whether or not this chair exists, but then refer to a definite answer, if it exists, then it exists, and if not, then not. In trying to explain this framework, I have found it helpful to suppose there are two puppets, one which argues for free will and the other which argues for fate, so that together they make up the theater of the mind. Thinking abstractly, we can say that one puppet claims that opposites coexist, black and white, whereas another puppet claims that things are all the same, they are just shades of grey. The point of Math 4 Wisdom is to recognize that this framework occurs in mathematical thinking. A surface may be orientable, as in the case of a sphere, which has an inside and an outside, so that opposites coexist. Or a surface may be unorientable, as in the case of a Moebius strip or a Klein bottle, where we can't distinguish inside and outside as it is all the same. This mathematical example helps define, clarify, validate and apply the framework. The division of everything into three perspectives is the learning cycle of taking a stand, following through and reflecting. This is the scientific method - we state a hypothesis, conduct an experiment and observe the results. Wherever such a three-cycle appears in mathematics, I suspect that it is modeling the learning process. I think of the Jacobi identity and I contemplate how a Lie algebra is the structure of learning for a Lie group. In homological algebra, I imagine the Mayer-Vietoris sequence as describing how the learning cycle proceeds dimension by dimension. The division of everything into four perspectives distinguishes four levels of knowledge: whether, what, how, why. Kirby: I think one of the greatest errors people make in communication is they quickly assume that we are all speaking the same language. Whereas my model is more that we all speak our own private language. We think we are communicating but everyone says God or true or whatever in their own world. And so a first step, when you are communicating, is to do some translation. I could appeal to philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, as practically every philosopher speaks of these levels in their own private language. However, my goal is not to create my own private language but rather to foster a language of wisdom within a scientific community. That is why I will be creating videos about the Yoneda lemma to show how it functions as a knowledge switch for these four levels. And more generally, I will show how these divisions of everything appear in exact sequences, where the perspectives correspond to maps. In particular, a short exact sequence has four maps and I argue that they express these four perspectives, whether, what, how, why. How can I show that such cognitive frameworks are real? I need to do this within a community, and that is coming together through the Math 4 Wisdom discussion group, which you are welcome to join. Kirby Urner is the first person to engage me there. He majored in philosophy at Princeton, with a focus on Wittgenstein, and grew to champion Buckminster Fuller as a visionary who straddled the humanities and sciences. Kirby teaches high school students to program in Python, and broadens their thinking by contrasting Earthling math, based on cubes and independent dimensions, with Martian math, based on tetrahedrons and interdependent dimensions. You can see his influence on my video, 120°+120°=90° in Dynkin Diagrams. Teamwork in Creating Learning Paths. This is the first in a series, What is Geometry? I am showing how we can understand the classical Lie families in terms of very concrete facts. Kirby gave a presentation at the 52 Living Ideas community, and our interaction there brought Jon Brett into the Math 4 Wisdom discussion. He and his wife Yoshimi are the developers of a cognitive framework, Emergently, which facilitates understanding and decision-making, and is based on the tetrahedron. Emergently expresses metaphorically how water unifies, fire energizes, earth solidifies and air transforms. The fact that Jon and I have worked so personally with cognitive frameworks helped us understand each other in ways that I had not suceeded with Kirby. Discussion between the three of us made apparent what I should have realized long ago, which is that we all have different relationships with the truth. For Jon, truth is metaphor. His position is understandable because it allows him to apply Emergently as a useful metaphor without having to defend it as literally true. For Kirby, truth is a defensive strategy that keeps him from being attacked as a fabricator, which liberates him to be both truthful and creative. For me, truth is subsumed in absolute truth, and so my strategy is to center myself in absolute truth, and thus align at the source with God's vantage point. Our various relationships with truth suggest that we identify with different locations on the landscape of truth, distinguished by the layers of reality, inside ourselves and out in the world, whatever we take to be real, and so we take up distinct strategies accordingly. Each of us has valuable experience by which we can try to appreciate the entire landscape of truth. Two years ago, I had the opportunity to study quantum physics with John Harland, and we talk every week or two. We became friends in graduate school. He is a functional analyst with a passion for physics, and you will encounter him in many videos. For John, truth is a hard journey, where we often are wrong, yet by correcting our misconceptions, we can advance. In studying Schroedinger's equation, I became interested in the combinatorics of the orthogonal polynomials, for my PhD was in algebraic combinatorics. Physicists seem to think that these polynomials are simply tools they use, whereas I imagine that they encode what nature has to say. Indeed, the combinatorics of orthogonal Sheffer polynomials is very suggestive, particularly their fivefold classification, which I think accords with five zones in the scattering of particles, but especially, with the division of everything into five perspectives for decision-making in space and time, whereby every effect has had its cause; but not every cause has had its effects; and so there is a critical point for deciding. In the playlist for the Fivesome you will find presentations, some technical and some informal. You will find me tutored by John and also by experimental psychologist Shu-Hong Zhu. Theoretical physicist Thomas Gajdosik also joins us sometimes. He teaches quantum field theory and general relativity at Vilnius University. Every month he sets aside an evening where for four hours I share with him the progress that I am making in my research on theology, philosophy, mathematics, physics and personal growth, and we also pray together. His deepest value in life is awareness that he is loved by God, where this love is the gift and key to all of reality. Thomas appreciates my theological explorations, as in the video series Wondrous Wisdom, where I imagine a top-down overview from God's perspectives, as in my videos Defining God and Human and God does not have to be good. I was happy to introduce John and Thomas, so that John could present his original research in quantum physics, which was meaningful for both of them. I am likewise learning from our participants that our different levels of mathematical knowledge, and our various situations in life, can help us think fresh as to the meaning of math, wisdom and truth. But what is the practical use of wondrous wisdom? The general idea is that God does not have to be good, which means that we have to face hardships if we are to grow and learn and live forever, here and now. Our hardships show that we can choose to be good, let go of ourselves and care about others, and also we can choose to think outside of the system we find ourselves in, from God's vantage point. Specifically, this is detailed by four frameworks by which we address our body's needs, our mind's doubts, our heart's expectations and our will's values. For example, we can make explicit the life of our heart, not just our basic emotional responses but a language of thousands of moods, as investigated in the video A Geometry of Moods: Evoked by Wujue Poems of the Tang Dynasty. Six Mobius transformations - inversion, shear, rotation, dilation, squeeze, translation - reshape the boundary between self and world, as if we were circles on a sphere. If you could know anything, what would you like to know? The intelligence of our mind is made explicit when we address our doubts with counterquestions. An example is given by the video How do you know that you are not a robot? where we can reply to this doubt with the counterquestion, Would it make any difference? I have documented a framework of eight counterquestions and have applied that as a peacemaker to systematize the ways of loving our enemy by looking at everything from their point of view: be straightforward, act step-by-step, be vulnerable, let them win, let them teach us, stick to our principles, have something to share. I created a video Bring peace to Russia and Ukraine to suggest this approach along with twelve practical activities. Subsequently, Namejs Rossman and I wrote the text for the video Call for Essays: Vision for Our Future which was read by eleven people from four continents. I'm recording and publishing video essays to contribute to global dialogue so that individual Russians and Ukrainians would likewise speak out, interact and seek solutions. Additionally, Silvijus Pokštas and I organize workshops for independent thinkers at the prison in Alytus, Lithuania, not far from my village home, and we are including prisoners in this dialogue. What is your vision for our future? How can we work together to recognize, clarify, develop and apply this language of wisdom? We can collect, sort and systematize the ways of figuring things out in all manner of disciplines, starting with mathematics. My most popular video Surface Structure vs. Deep Structure is the first in a series, Math Epistemology, where I will present 24 ways of figuring out how to solve mathematical challenges. I have sketched out similar systems for physics, biology, neuroscience, chess and the business innovation games known as Gamestorming. I welcome support from Patreon supporters so that we could work out the epistemology of their favorite discipline. Similarly, I have mapped out my own ways of figuring things out. I have sketched them out for Jesus and for the Gaon of Vilna. Whose thinking would you like us to flesh out with an epistemological portrait? I want Math 4 Wisdom to be a supportive environment for my own investigations and yours as well. In the series Wondrous Wisdom I am leading up to presentation of my current research to understand the wisdom in our life experiences. Each of us has a unique treasure of experience and a unique vantage point. Please ask yourself, what is your deepest value, which includes all of your other values? What is a question that you don't know the answer to but wish to answer? What is your relationship with truth? Your answers will help us appreciate each other and work together on the basis of truth and even absolute truth. If you like this video, if you subscribe to this channel, then you make Math 4 Wisdom more visible to others. Thank you also to all who support Math 4 Wisdom financially through Patreon. Welcome to Math 4 Wisdom, an investigatory community for absolute truth. The Participants Interviews with
Raw Transcript (Includes Interviews) 0:01 what is your relationship with truth 0:08 truth as a defensive strategy to keep one's Effectiveness in the world intact 0:17 where do you find yourself in the landscape of Truth 0:23 there's a tremendous asymmetry between truth and untruth or truth and 0:28 is a lot easier to arrive at than truth truth 0:33 truth is a difficult path and it's fraught do you wish for absolute truth I often 0:42 think that the the Quest for absolute truth is off times the height of Follies 0:47 [Music] 0:54 welcome I am Andres kolikowskas the host of math 1:00 for wisdom an investigatory Community for absolute truth 1:07 this flows out of my lifelong quest to know everything and apply that knowledge 1:12 usefully your your questions are way broader scope than mine what's the 1:19 relationship between truth and wisdom maybe they're not related at all wisdom is knowledge of everything and as 1:28 such is the content of absolute truth mathematics is the study of structure 1:34 and as such is the form of absolute truth 1:39 math 4 wisdom relates the language of wisdom and the language of mathematics 1:46 what do wisdom and math reveal about absolute truth 1:53 with this video Welcome to math for wisdom I am overviewing where we are seven 2:00 months since my first video introduction to math for wisdom 2:06 since then I have uploaded 19 videos we have about eight active participants 2:14 I invite you to join the math for wisdom Discussion Group which is the Hub of our 2:20 activity you will find the link at the description of this video and also at math for 2:28 you can also find me tutoring at the math student server and participating at Discord servers 2:36 such as for Carl jaimungal's theories of everything podcast and for the summer of 2:44 math exposition in 1993 I received my PhD in mathematics 2:52 from the University of California at San Diego I studied math with the hope that it 2:59 would be useful for expressing a new science for the knowledge of everything 3:05 over the years I have documented an abstract language of cognitive 3:10 Frameworks which makes sense to me but others do not comprehend 3:16 the way I am thinking is very unusual what could I do to be understood 3:23 recently I have recognized that these cognitive Frameworks appear in advanced 3:29 mathematical thinking some of which I need to master such Concepts include the jonata Lemma 3:36 and the Junctions in category Theory both periodicity in algebraic topology 3:44 Mobius transformations in complex geometry and the four classical families in Lee 3:51 Theory I believe that the essence of these Concepts could be understood by for 3:57 example a teacher of high school math such as Kirby earner or a motivated person with a high school 4:04 education such as Bill Paul I'm an amateur at math 4:11 uh slowly I've been getting more of a grasp of the subjects that have been 4:19 discussed I have mapped out the learning paths that I wish to explore in the coming year 4:26 my goal is not to learn math for its own sake but to show how advanced math runs 4:32 up against the same limits of imagination which are described by cognitive Frameworks such as divisions 4:40 of everything I am trying to communicate clarify 4:45 validate and apply such Frameworks 4:50 what I've learned from our interactions is that I myself seek absolute truth 4:57 but personally we all have very different relationships with truth 5:10 so which means that existence itself is truth in your life 5:16 how does truth work you know like what is like what is your like view on you know like uh practically like you know 5:23 how you deal with the issue of truth in your life I would say there's a lot of 5:31 relativity to it uh uh Observer Bias whatever I mean I I 5:37 don't obviously you're an absolute tooth guy and I don't have a very structured or 5:45 defined category for that term [Music] um I I 5:51 would generally defer to things being relative to one 5:56 another so if you've got 10 opinions 6:01 they all have some value uh at some level um 6:08 maybe I'll be convinced of absolute truth by you and arrive at it 6:16 it has something to do with time and place for me so uh today is 6:22 one thing someone's perspective from a previous era or 6:29 uh uh cult from a different culture what is 6:34 all it all has value uh I will talk about that as I introduce 6:39 our current participants starting with myself along the way I will discuss the videos 6:45 I have uploaded and the ones I intend to create with your participation your help 6:50 and support for me the most important videos are in 6:56 the playlist called wondrous wisdom where wondrous rhymes with my name 7:02 Andrus wondrous wisdom is the name that I give 7:07 to the language of cognitive Frameworks which I also call Simply the language of wisdom 7:13 here is my story as a six-year-old child 7:20 I resolved to know everything and apply that knowledge usefully 7:27 this is very dangerous so I engaged God 7:32 give me the freedom to think whatever I need to think 7:38 maybe you exist and maybe you don't maybe you are good 7:44 and maybe you aren't but regardless of what I learned I will 7:50 always believe in you then I proceeded to learn everything I 7:57 could in high school I came to realize that in the quantum world 8:03 reality Fades away so that must not yield the knowledge of 8:09 everything it must be there where we are most able 8:14 to find it but nobody wants to look which is the study of wisdom it's really 8:21 noticeable that you have a positive attitude about it okay this is one of 8:28 the things which you will help people to go over the uh 8:36 shaky Bridges they have things shaky because not because not 8:42 necessarily because of their construction because even if that 8:48 construction like if you go over a bridge made out of gas right if you look down you feel a 8:56 little bit uh I think I think it's not I mean the the bridges may be shaky but I 9:04 mean I think like you just said the reason the real issue is that the altitude you know I'm walking on bridges 9:11 that are very high you know like you know exactly and doing things that could anger God you know and so if people 9:17 don't believe in God even you know the whole thing is just very in 1982 I entered the University of 9:25 Chicago we were encouraged to ask for big questions in life 9:31 but we were discouraged from thinking that we could ever answer them definitively 9:37 all knowledge was relative back then in Academia many subjects were 9:45 taboo such as Consciousness causation the reason why in biology 9:53 the emotions of animals prayer wisdom 9:59 and the reality of God to this day arguably the greatest taboo 10:06 Remains the concept of absolute truth 10:12 I had to develop this concept On My Own by documenting the limits of my 10:18 imagination the video preliminaries building blocks Frameworks 10:26 of perspectives explains the fundamentals starting with the concept of everything and then 10:32 proceeding to divisions of everything into two or three or four or more perspectives 10:39 we are in a difficult spot because we use the linear medium like video or text 10:51 um part of the structures are not linear technology of 10:59 communication is an extra complication and so I'll I very much like diagrams 11:09 and two-dimensional representations so maybe 11:15 a good thing is I that you do a bit of 11:21 about it you like that or yeah because it 11:29 it gives a chance for people who uh have 11:34 no real way to relate to what you want to say on on a Content level 11:45 especially if they are new to that so when they observe your 11:50 emotion then right create some resonance which works even if there is only a very 11:59 fragile um level of actually 12:06 knowing the terminology and methods that you are introducing 12:15 we are familiar with the argument between Free Will and fate rather than get sucked into this 12:22 argument we can simply observe that these two perspectives complement each other 12:27 we need two perspectives for matters of existence as when we ask a question whether or not this chair exists but 12:35 then refer to a definite answer if it exists then it exists and if not then 12:40 not in trying to explain this framework I have found it helpful to Suppose there 12:46 are two puppets one which argues for free will and the other which argues for fate so that together they make up the 12:53 theater of the Mind thinking abstractly we can say that one 12:58 puppet claims that opposites coexist black and white whereas another puppet claims that 13:05 things are all the same they are just shades of grain 13:10 the point of math for wisdom is to recognize that this framework occurs in 13:16 mathematical thinking a surface may be orientable as in the 13:21 case of a sphere which has an inside and an outside so that opposites coexist 13:28 or a surface may be unorientable as in the case of a Mobius strip or a 13:35 Klein bottle where we can't distinguish inside and outside as it is all the same 13:41 this mathematical example helps Define clarify validate and apply the framel 13:52 the division of everything into three perspectives is the learning cycle of taking a stand following through and 13:59 reflecting this is the scientific method we State a hypothesis conduct an experiment and 14:06 observe the results wherever such a three cycle appears in mathematics I suspect that it is 14:14 modeling the learning process I think of the Jacobi identity and I 14:19 contemplate how a li algebra is the structure of learning for a lead group 14:25 in homological algebra I imagine the Meyer viatoris sequence as describing 14:32 how the Learning Cycle proceeds Dimension by dimension 14:38 the division of everything into four perspectives distinguishes four levels of knowledge whether what how why 14:45 and I think one of the greatest errors people make in communication is they quickly assume that we're all speaking 14:51 the same language whereas my model is more we all speak a private language and 14:57 don't realize it we think we're communicating but everyone says God or true or whatever in their own world and 15:05 so a first step when you're communicating is to do some translations 15:13 I could appeal to philosophers such as Plato Aristotle Kant Hume as practically 15:19 every philosopher speaks of these levels in their own private language however my goal is not to create my own 15:27 private language but rather to foster a language of wisdom within a scientific 15:33 community that is why I will be creating videos about the yoneir Dilemma to show how it 15:40 functions as a knowledge switch for these four levels and more generally I will show how these 15:46 divisions of everything appear in exact sequences where the perspectives correspond to maps in particular a short 15:54 exact sequence has four maps and I argue that they express these four perspectives whether what how why 16:02 foreign how can I show that such cognitive Frameworks are real 16:07 I need to do this within a community and that is coming together through the math 16:13 for wisdom Discussion Group which you are welcome to join Kirby earner is the first person to 16:19 engage me there he majored in philosophy at Princeton with a focus on Wittgenstein and grew to 16:27 Champion Buckminster Fuller as a Visionary who straddled the humanities and Sciences 16:32 it kind of surrendered our ability to be social engineers in fact that very term 16:38 is demonized because it's a little bit too close to what we actually would need isn't it 16:44 so I've been having some good times over on the math for wisdom list I've got the 16:50 ideas pretty carefully expressed what we've been going on about here on the 16:55 YouTube channel the link between Freud and Bucky invisible is more important than the 17:02 visible discussion of the unconscious as well as the conscious those kind of things 17:08 that's energetics Kirby teaches high school students to program in Python and broadens their 17:16 Thinking by contrasting Earthling math based on cubes and independent 17:21 Dimensions with Martian math based on tetrahedrons and interdependent 17:27 dimensions you can see his influence on my video 120 degrees plus 120 degrees equals 90 17:35 degrees in dinkin diagrams teamwork in creating learning paths 17:42 this is the first in a series what is geometry I am showing how we can understand the 17:49 classical D families in terms of very concrete facts 17:55 Kirby gave a presentation at the 52 living ideas community and our interaction there brought John Brett 18:01 into the math for wisdom discussion John and his wife yoshini are the 18:07 developers of a cognitive framework emergently which facilitates understanding and decision making and is 18:13 based on the tetrahedron emergently expresses metaphorically how 18:18 water unifies fire energizes earth solidifies and air transforms 18:25 we're guiding them from simple Silo mentality to reality so 2D is very 18:32 important but 3D makes the you got to get the we've got to get our Learners Jaws to 18:38 drop and go oh God you had a cube in your hand and you just folded it up and this is the minimum structural system in 18:46 the universe the fact that John and I have worked so personally with cognitive Frameworks 18:52 helped us understand each other in ways that I had not succeeded with Kirby 18:57 discussion between the three of us made apparent what I should have realized long ago which is that we all have 19:03 different relationships with the truth I've sort of finally realized that um 19:10 actually our brains only work in metaphor that three-dimensional image is 19:15 actually captured by a two-dimensional retina now our eye 19:22 captures a two two-dimensional version of it and then our brain constructs 19:29 our Consciousness out of that so it's all a metaphor in there it's trying to 19:34 say it's like this you know out there and so when you say absolute 19:41 truth to me what yours you're saying is you're 19:46 going to create words or mathematical symbols that are metaphors for what we 19:51 experience the real experience and then when I look at what we can 19:58 experience and what we can't experience there's this kind of what uh this tuning 20:04 where we can tune in like a radio you know all of those frequencies are there but you can only tune into one frequency 20:11 at a time so our tunability understanding of the of of reality of everything that's going 20:19 on is only very narrow so there's a lot 20:24 huge amount that's going on that we have no sense of in the humanities like we look up to the 20:31 word metaphor it's not like oh it's just a metaphor and I always wonder where 20:36 that should go in math like why do mathematicians not use the word metaphor 20:41 more and like I would ask pointedly we all understand three orthogonals you 20:47 know mutually perpendicular and then they say well here's a fourth orthogonal but you can't really visualize it but 20:54 the math works out so it's so why isn't that a metaphor or an analogy it's like 21:00 um higher dimensional math is an analogy on three-dimensional math is that a put 21:07 down is that saying oh it's not really true it's just a metaphor no it's really true and it's a metaphor for John truth 21:15 is metaphor his position is understandable because it allows him to apply emergently as a 21:22 useful metaphor without having to defend it as literally true 21:28 for Kirby truth is a defensive strategy that keeps him from being attacked as a 21:34 fabricator which liberates him to be both truthful and creative 21:40 for me truth is subsumed in absolute truth and so my strategy is to Center 21:46 myself in absolute truth and thus a line at the source with God's vantage point 21:52 our various relationships with truth suggest that we identify with different locations on the landscape of Truth 21:59 distinguished by the layers of reality inside ourselves and out in the world whatever we take to be real 22:06 and so we take up distinctive strategies accordingly each of us has valuable experience by 22:13 which we can try to appreciate the entire landscape of Truth 22:19 two years ago I had the opportunity to study quantum physics with John Harland and we talk every week or two 22:27 we became friends in graduate school he is a functional analyst with a 22:32 passion for physics and you will encounter him in many videos but I know 22:37 that if I ever make the progress that I'd like to that 22:44 I'm still gonna feel like it was you know there 22:51 the landscape that I really want to see is still I'm still blind to you know 22:56 like in other words I'm I really feel like there's 23:02 especially in physics I think that there's just a just a paradigm shift 23:07 out there you know that is possible for John truth is a hard journey where 23:15 we often are wrong yet by correcting our misconceptions we can advance you know 23:20 the easy way out is is to not seek the truth and to not do not demand the truth 23:27 um and you know I have a lot of ideas I've had a lot of ideas in physics and math that turn out not to be true you know 23:33 and it was hard work and hard effort to find out that that Avenue was not gonna it was not gonna be realized 23:41 you know I used to sit there and he was a graduate student and have all kinds of Amazing Ideas and it turns out that 23:49 um you know part of being a mathematician is realizing that all these amazing brilliant ideas you have 23:54 you know the great majority of them are just absolute trash they're they're just not true it's very easy to 24:01 to conjure up ideas that are very fascinating and interesting and wouldn't that be great and very hard to 24:08 actually follow that path to completion or you know 24:14 uh it's also emotionally very difficult to realize that that those things are not true sometimes you 24:20 sometimes the progress the real progress isn't showing that something is not true oh I can abandon that well stock of 24:27 ideas and go up this other one now studying Schrodinger's equation I became 24:33 interested in the combinatorics of the orthogonal polynomials for my PhD was in algebraic combinatorics 24:41 physicists seem to think that these polynomials are simply tools they use 24:46 whereas I imagine that they encode what Nature has to say indeed the combinatorics of orthogonal 24:54 Shepherd polynomials is very suggested particularly their five-fold classification which I think Accords 25:02 with five zones in the scattering of particles but especially with the division of everything into five 25:09 perspectives for decision making in space and time whereby every effect has had its cause 25:16 but not every cause has had its effects and so there is a critical point for 25:21 deciding and one of your ideas really did inform uh an inquiry that I was on like it 25:28 really you know it the idea that there's really only two time space time 25:34 frames that are relevant um but that was kind of a big thing for me to you know relativity Theory we have 25:42 to like make sure everything is consistent in all space time frames you know I mean the Lawrence group is 25:49 infinite you know so like you know so relativity Theory you gotta really be careful that any 25:55 possible Observer will agree with you with this trend right made possible by 26:02 by relativity Theory um but it occurred to me that 26:08 in quantum mechanics it might only be two in the playlist for the five sum you 26:15 will find presentations some technical and some informal you will find me tutored by John and 26:22 also by experimental psychologist theoretical physicist Thomas guydasik 26:30 also joins us sometimes he teaches Quantum field Theory and general relativity at Venus University truce is 26:37 something that compels me to follow what I recognized 26:44 as truthful to implement it also by trying to do it 26:49 as good as I can so it is like the 26:55 country imperative that you should do it because you recognize this is the truth 27:02 and then there's no way around anyone every month he sets aside an evening where for four 27:09 hours I share with him the progress that I'm making and my research on theology 27:14 philosophy mathematics physics and personal growth I think this this talking is Meaningful 27:22 it gives me a sense of usefulness a sense that I do 27:29 understand some that maybe I can help some I think that this uh talking 27:37 itself is the meaningful part it's sometimes the outcome is understandable 27:45 sometimes it's not yet understandable but having this communication and being 27:52 to some extent challenge to follow the thoughts is something that I think by 27:58 itself is worthwhile and I like to do it and we also pray together 28:05 again I mean this Commander becomes only sensible if I can say 28:10 I can have a personal relationship with truth but this personal relationship I have 28:18 usually with another person so the truth has to become a person which in face yes 28:24 I would formulate it like that too because Christ was saying I mean I'm the 28:30 truth his deepest value in life is awareness that he is loved by God where this love 28:37 is the gift and key to all of reality because 28:43 my main goal is not to find 28:49 mass or to find wisdom but to live 28:55 out of the fullness of God and for that I'm trying to think better how I'm receiving 29:04 correctly and can give away to others what I receive 29:09 so in that sense this I would say project mass for wisdom 29:16 in some way enlightens me is interesting 29:22 but not the primary goal and I feel that when I try to push in some directions 29:28 there and not just listen and reflect on it that I'm putting myself into the 29:35 center where I want to put rather God and listening to him into the center so 29:41 Thomas appreciates my theological Explorations as in the video series wondrous wisdom where I imagine a 29:49 top-down overview from God's perspectives as in my videos defining God in human and 29:56 God does not have to be good I think that's the most worthwhile part 30:02 in our discussions it's for me what really is an important question where I 30:10 am glad that you talk that I can listen that I can give comments that I can give remarks 30:17 and that you to some extent sometimes also treat my remarks seriously enough 30:23 that I mean this is not convincing to me and then okay yeah it doesn't have to be maybe you find other arguments or not 30:31 but I agree that this concept of absolute 30:36 truth is I think something that is not only needed but also that has to be 30:44 around in order for us to try to live 30:50 according to what we should do so according to our ethics according to our 30:56 in that sense belief and without this part in this belief it's I mean 31:03 it's not everything becomes 31:10 in some way you could say relative but relative in a bad way so 31:15 I was happy to introduce John and Thomas so that John could present his original research in quantum physics which was 31:22 meaningful for both of them I think what he does is in some way amazing and it's 31:29 necessary to include it into the to some extent the learning of to some I would 31:37 say our total Community because if people with if there are no people like 31:43 him nobody asks is there a way to understand it in a certain 31:48 to understand physics or to understand the mathematics that is used in a certain pure way 31:56 and only having mathematics as a usage as a tool 32:02 is Maybe not enough 32:09 I'm likewise learning from our participants that are different levels of mathematical knowledge and our 32:14 various situations in life can help us think fresh as to the meaning of math 32:20 wisdom and Truth I think your wisdom is exercised most 32:26 as you expand and like try to manage different people who you've never met and have them all kind of uh you know 32:33 like hurting cats as they say it's an impossibility but I think that will challenge your management capabilities 32:41 and that's where your wisdom will shine through lessen your mathematics and more in your ability to manage people by the 32:48 way I'd never heard of or met Brett or Yoshimi before 52 living ideas and then they're joining 32:55 your group that was not it my instigation so I'm meeting more people who are into like Buckminster Fuller I 33:01 think it's really a worthwhile Endeavor having this type of talk discussion especially when also 33:09 other people join and have their thoughts and discuss about them I mean I see how 33:15 many wonderful people are around that have maybe different thoughts than I but 33:20 still try to understand and contribute and I'm glad 33:26 that I can listen to them but what is the Practical use of 33:32 wondrous wisdom in the context of the group I'm inclined 33:38 to understand wisdom as some kind of philosophical thinking especially when 33:43 used for real life and Society problem solving the general idea is that God does not 33:51 have to be good which means that we have to face 33:56 hardships if we are to grow and learn and live forever 34:01 Here and Now you've often talked about the logic of God 34:07 and that's an interesting subject for me 34:13 how how things lead to God 34:21 our hardships show that we can choose to be good let go of ourselves and care about 34:27 others and also we can choose to think outside of the system we find ourselves 34:34 in from God's vantage point I value equality in people that they can 34:40 see themselves from the outside I call that self-awareness so to the extent 34:46 that your way of thinking you're brainwashing of yourself your self-programming has created a way for 34:52 you to see yourself from multiple points of view I think that's a good thing and 34:57 I wish you more power to that it's like go for that that's good you know that's wise to be able to see yourself from the 35:05 outside I hope your system does that for you well I think what I I do a little bit more in the sense that like 35:12 what I do you know is I consistently bang my head against the wall in different ways basically like a blind 35:18 person you know I'm walking through these uh prison of my mind trying to say well what are the possibilities what are 35:25 the perspectives possible and if I could find a new one you know I I would be glad or at least curious or wondering 35:31 you know but mostly I can't you know simply like I keep walking back to the same rooms I keep noticing oh I've been 35:37 in this room before you know because specifically this is detailed by four Frameworks by which we address our 35:44 body's needs our minds doubts our hearts expectations and our Wills values 35:52 for example we can make explicit the life of our heart not just our basic emotional responses but a language of 36:00 thousands of moods as investigated in my video 36:05 a geometry of moods evoked by Woodway poems of the Tang Dynasty 36:13 in terms of wisdom like I think of The Dalai Lama as a very wise guy he's wise but what he preaches 36:20 is stuff like you said that it's not super clever we can all relate to be of 36:26 a have a kind heart you know be loving in your soul don't be 36:31 like you know like Nietzsche I learned from Nietzsche that like resentment if you have an ax to grind all the time 36:38 some getting back at somebody if you're vengeful in your mind if you're revengeful 36:44 these things to me are the opposite of wisdom to be nursing a grudge is like 36:50 the opposite of being wise and stuff six Mobius Transformations inversion sheer 36:56 rotation dilation squeeze translation 37:02 reshape the boundary between self and world as if we were circles on a sphere 37:11 if you could know anything what would you like to know well I I 37:19 share the ambition to make sense of how 37:24 things relate and um I've always been interested in many 37:32 areas of Mars and so 37:39 I always wanted to unify perspectives and so observing 37:47 other people try to unify perspectives and what might be the 37:54 reactions of other people in in this process are kind of 38:02 interesting for me because I I see how difficult it actually is to arrive the 38:09 common language and the common understanding the intelligence of our mind is made 38:17 explicit when we address our doubts with counter questions an example is given by the video 38:23 how do you know that you are not a robot where we can reply to this doubt with 38:30 the counter question would it make any difference a lot of people think their robotism is 38:37 just in their behavior and they don't think that the thoughts that come up are also very reflexive and robotic we talk 38:44 about a train of thought you've got this car then this car then this car and they always come as a train so if you would 38:51 accept that your thinking is highly robotic I would say it is but that's a good thing it's like it's very automatic 38:58 but but are we defining so first of all what I'm trying to say is that I'm saying you're a robot 39:09 you're one of the better programmed robots out there perhaps well I guess I'm trying to say how I've 39:16 self-programmed myself yeah yeah and brainwashing to me is a good term you should wash your brain every week 39:23 so so what I'm trying to say is that uh maybe I am you know like to take your language let's say right like so maybe I 39:30 am programmed but maybe also I am self-programmed maybe maybe there's a Chasm between the two do you see like 39:37 maybe see so I'm talking about that so so all of a sudden that kind of gives rise to the type of structure I'm 39:43 talking about you see that there's so for example the self-probling programming part it's like my free will 39:48 part like I can self-program myself or not you know I have it you know I have it's 39:54 self-programming I have a choice in a certain sense I have some latitude the external part 40:00 I don't have any latitude about you know there's certain part like where I do have latitude there's a certain part I don't 40:06 I have documented a framework of eight counter questions and have applied that as a peacemaker to systematize the ways 40:13 of loving our enemy by looking at everything from their point of view be straightforward act step by step 40:21 be vulnerable let them win let them teach us stick to our principles 40:29 have something to share it's great if you can be truthful and 40:37 I reserve the right to 40:44 have a mental inner reservation if I'm forced to 40:51 relate to people who are not interested in truths but only in their Dogma 40:59 I think it's very very important that you have your inner 41:06 system of Truth and be able to 41:11 separate it from what you present to the outside that actually matter of matter 41:19 of survival in many cultures that they basically operate on the assumption that 41:27 people have to adopt what they perceive as through as true and otherwise 41:35 threatened with all kinds of uncomfort 41:41 I created a video bring peace to Russia and Ukraine to 41:47 suggest this approach along with 12 practical activities subsequently Thomas Rossman and I wrote 41:54 the text for the video call for essays vision for our future which was read by 11 people from four 42:02 continents right or recall an essay entitled vision 42:10 for our future that you would like to share with everybody if you are interested about 42:17 writing an essay or making a video about vision for our future you are welcome 42:24 and here are some of the instructions that you can follow 42:29 please post your essay on the internet and share it with your friends help 42:34 others publish essays ready to record your essay in any language I am recording and Publishing 42:41 video essays to contribute to Global dialogue so that individual Russians and 42:46 ukrainians would likewise speak out interact and seek Solutions 42:51 additionally Sylvia's pox this and I organized workshops for independent thinkers at the prison in elitus 42:58 Lithuania not far from my Village home 43:04 characters more 43:10 is 43:18 and we are including prisoners in this dialogue what is your vision for our future I 43:24 just feel so far beyond me that I I'm really I'm willing to limit myself to 43:29 what I can what I can do I have tried before I have tried um thinking in Broad scope ways before 43:36 but it all boils down to when I when I try to do anything with it it all boils down to 43:42 these little picky unit right implications in the end you know that's 43:47 where I live that's what that's where I feel I I I have some I have some 43:52 manipulating skills right whereas the you know trying to actually grok the big picture 43:58 in it you know much like you do this right you you actually have these broad scope 44:04 theories that and this is you know you you say that I got like some superpowers that you don't 44:11 have well you have a superpower that I know I don't have the confidence I don't have the hubris I don't have the 44:18 intellect to to be able to approach um scientific progress that way 44:27 how can we work together to recognize clarify develop and apply this language 44:34 of wisdom we can collect sort and systematize the 44:40 ways of figuring things out in all manner of disciplines starting with mathematics my most popular video 44:47 surface structure versus deep structure is the first in a series math 44:52 epistemology where I will present 24 ways of figuring out how to solve mathematical challenges 44:59 I have sketched out similar systems for physics 45:04 biology neuroscience 45:24 chess 45:29 and the business Innovation games known as game storming 45:37 I welcome support from patreon supporters so that we could work out the epistemology of 45:42 their favorite disciplines similarly I have mapped out my own ways of figuring things out 45:53 I've sketched them out for Jesus 45:59 and for the go on a vilna who's thinking would you like us to 46:04 flesh out with an epistemological portrait 46:09 I want math for wisdom to be a supportive environment from my own 46:14 investigations and yours as well in the series wondrous wisdom I am 46:21 leading up to presentation of my current research to understand the wisdom in our life experiences 46:27 each of us has a unique Treasure of experience and a unique Vantage Point minority a few people will be curious 46:35 I'm curious I'll keep uh trying to put together in my head what your cognitive 46:41 Frameworks is all about like I explore your website I hear what you're saying and I'm trying 46:48 to put together on my end a model of your model so that I know what you're talking about 46:54 please ask yourself what is your deepest value which includes all of your other values 47:02 what is a question that you don't know the answer to but wish to answer 47:08 what is your relationship with truth I don't 47:13 and so yeah the belief either I'm not I'm not right and so that's why I call it religion you see like because it's a 47:20 you know your religion doesn't it doesn't bring you there because you're at a different part of that landscape of Truth and so where you're at like this 47:27 whole notion of redirecting right like you know that you see this is how we could redirect everything you know the 47:33 point of inflection let's say right whereas like I'm trying to look in the big picture I don't have a clue like you know how 47:39 you're going to redirect that but like I can see where I think it could be going your answers will help us appreciate 47:46 each other and work together on the basis of Truth and even absolute truth 47:53 if you like this video if you subscribe to this channel 47:58 then you make math for wisdom more visible to others thank you also to all who support math 48:05 for wisdom financially through patreon welcome to math for wisdom an 48:12 investigatory Community for absolute truth 48:18 [Music] |