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Outline Generation of structures Not-wishes {$SU(2)$} - Emotional transformations Snake lemma Unclear Narration 3 Languages Map of Deepest Values Rough draft Antiwishes: Emotional responses: SU(2) Study the Geometry of Moods In my study of emotions and moods, I have successfully linked my philosophical and mathematical research. My model of basic emotions is based on whether our expectations are satisfied. Of special importance is the boundary between self and world. For example, if we discover that we are wrong about the world, or anything peripheral, then we may feel surprised, but if we learn that we are wrong about ourselves, or something deeply important, then we may feel distraught. See my talk: A Research Program for a Taxonomy of Moods. I did a study of some thirty classic Chinese poems from the Tang dynasty to explain the moods they evoked. (In Lithuanian: Nuotaikų aplinkybės: Tang dinastijos poezija ir šiuolaikinė geometrija.) I discovered that the mood depended on how the poem transformed the boundary between self and world. Each of them applied one of six transformations (reflection, shear, rotation, dilation, squeeze, translation) which shifted the geometry from a cognitively simpler one to a cognitively richer one (path geometry - affine, line geometry - projective, angle geometry - conformal, area geometry - symplectic). 20) I would like to better understand these geometries by learning about the math but also by seeing what they should be given the data from intepreting such poems. I made a related post at Math Stack Exchange: Is this set of 6 transformations fundamental to geometry? 21) This emotional theory describes beauty as arising upon the disappearance of one's inner self whereby disgust becomes impossible. It would be meaningful to study what is beautiful in mathematics and why. 4 geometries & 6 transformations between them <=> The Ten Commandments (4 positive and 6 negative) Nonwishes: Eightfold way: Snake lemma The Snake Lemma <=> The eightfold way Nonwishes: Eightfold way: Octonions The octonions <=> The eightfold way. |