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Bott Periodicity: Unfolding of Thinking-in-Parallel Outline Grothendieck's six operations - Six representations of divisions Topologies - one-many-all
Adjoint string of length N - Division of everything into N perspectives Exact strings. The cube 8 divisions, 6 conceptions, 12 circumstances. Understand intuitively
Bott periodicity - Eight-cycle of divisions
Sevensome Shu-Hong's equation. Mobius transformations. I want to be able to describe the cognitive foundations that account for logic. Seven-eight kinds of duality. Reps of Sn and GLn. Schur-Weyl duality. I would like to understand the various kinds of opposites in math and classify them. Understand the Basics of Logic and Truth. I have made some progress in describing such foundations for truth: Truth as the Admission of Self- Contradiction. Which is to say, truth is inherently unstable and tentative, the relation of a level with a metalevel. Divisions of everything: Exact Sequences Divisions of everything: Adjunctions Exact sequences of length n <=> Divisions of everything into N perspectives Divisions of everything: Spin Elementary particles
Divisions of everything: Bott periodicity Bott Periodicity <=> The eight-cycle of divisions of everything Operations Norman Anderson's theory and modeling thinking fast and slow.
Visualizations - unconscious and conscious Six representations Grothendieck's six operations, the natural bases of the symmetric functions, Hopf algebras. Twelve circumstances One, all, many SU(2) normal form Rough draft |